23: Heartbeat

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Harry's POV

I felt a body stirring in my arms, legs pushing against mine, and arms moving forward. I didn't move because I was barely trying to open my eyes to see what was happening.

"Harry." A quiet voice said next to me.

"You're squishing me." A giggle was released.

I opened my eyes, blinking away the fogginess from having them closed for hours. The sight in front of me was the back of Bailey's head and her body squirming from underneath mine. It was then that I realized that I was slightly on top of her. "Sorry," I apologized as I moved to the side so I was no longer on her.

"It's alright." She laughed quietly again.

"I just needed to breathe again."

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face as I was still fully waking up.

"What time is it?"

"Um... 10:34 am."

"Hm," I thought and soon felt my head start to hurt. The damn hangover.

"Does your head hurt?"

"Yeah. A hell of a lot." Bailey laughed.

I agreed with her and lied there for a moment before I sat up. "Would you like some breakfast?"

Bailey's stomach rumbled, answering my question. "Yes please."

I smiled at her before non-thinkingly bending down and pressing my lips against her forehead, causing her to smile shyly. "Alright." I stood up and walked to my closet before putting on a black shirt and leaving my shorts on.

"Is it okay if I burrow some clothes? I think my outfit from yesterday is leaking from the alcohol." I heard her say.

"Yeah." I said and handed her a pair of my black jeans and a blue long sleeved buttoned down shirt. "Is this okay?"

"Perfect." She smiled at the clothes I handed her and reached up to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, I'm going to go change in the bathroom." She said before exiting.

I took the time to clean up the mess that was my room. I started by picking up my dirty clothes from the floor and throwing them in the hamper. After I folded up the blanket and placed it on top of the pillows. I cleaned up a bit more before she entered the room with the my shirt she wore last night in her hand.

I looked up at her and stared at how she looked in my clothes. My jeans had fit her perfectly and I didn't know if I should be weirded out by that or not. The shirt was a bit big on her but it looked great on her. Her washed hair was brushed and put in a bun and her teeth looked perfect white, she probably brushed them while she was in there. Lastly, she did not have a spot of makeup on her and she looked absolutely beautiful without it.

"What is it?" She asked, her hand placing a strand of hair at the back of her ear.

I walked from the other side of the room to where she stood close to the door until I stood in front of her. I reached down and held her hands in mine, causing her to blush. "You're just too beautiful to be real." Her response was a muffled laugh but I shook my head at her. "I'm serious, you're honestly too beautiful for your own good. I'm jealous."

Her brown eyes stared into my green ones, mesmerizing me. "Thank you." She spoke quietly. "But I must say that you are beautiful too. Really beautiful, actually."

I bent down and kissed her nose softly. "Thank you." I bent down lower and pressed my lips against hers in a soft kiss.

She hummed into the kiss, her hand wrapping around my neck but not pulling me close. I bit her lip lightly and then let go.

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