20: Two Pieces

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Harry's POV

The next morning I awoke with the white sheets covering only my lower half of my body while the bottom half wasn't covered at all.

Bailey and I fell asleep pretty late last night from watching movies and eating sugary snacks that Audrey and Delilah kept in their kitchen cabinet.

And thanks to the snacks and movies, we stayed up pretty late and only got a few hours of sleep, seeing that it was ten in the morning right now.

Bailey was lying next to me still sound asleep, though. And I wasn't going to wake her up. One, she was tired. Two, she was a pretty sight to look at when asleep.

So instead of waking up the sleeping beauty, I got up and changed into my white shirt and black jeans since I slept in only my boxers that Bailey didn't notice I had on only. I had sneakily taken off my pants after she fell asleep before me and kept only my boxers on.

After I changed and brushed both my teeth and hair with Bailey's brush and an extra toothbrush I found under the sink, I walked to the kitchen and found both of Bailey's roommates cooking breakfast in tank tops and shorts.

"Good morning, Harry," Audrey welcomed when she noticed me in the kitchen while Delilah turned and saw me.

"Hey." I murmured tiredly.

"We're making breakfast but we didn't want to wake you two lovebirds up if that meant you'd pull our hair off."

"What'd you call us?" I asked Delilah.

"Lovebirds." She answered.

"Yeah, that.." I shook my head, rubbing my hair with my hand. "We're not that."

"Oh c'mon, Harry," Audrey said as she turned down the heat on the stove and turned around with crossed arms over her chest. "We're not blind. We see how you look at her, don't deny it."

"It's not something to not be obvious about." Delilah added.

I wandered off for a minute, my eyes looking away from their waiting stares.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't lie about it and leaned against the kitchen counter with my hands holding onto it.

"It's true. But I don't know what to do about it. She's confused and still thinking about Ethan and I'm just here making a fool out of myself."

"You're not." Delilah said.

"Just give her some time." Audrey advised. "I know it's a lot to ask considering how long you've already been waiting but Bailey will figure things out quickly enough for you to know. She's a smart girl. She just can't see what's in front of her."

"The wall?"

"No," Audrey shook her head while laughing. "You, silly."


"Like Audrey said," Delilah spoke seconds later. "Just give her some time and she'll be yours in no time."

A was given a quick pat in the head before I nodded and walked back to Bailey's room quietly.

I closed the door behind me and watched as movement was made on the bed. Her arms were the first things to lift up, stretching in the air.

The next thing I heard was a tired yawn from her lips. Her hair was tangled up as she lifted her upper body up in the bed, the blanket falling in front of her.

She didn't look surprised when she saw me. Instead, she got herself off the bed and started walking to the bathroom.

"Good morning."

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