27: Night Changes

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Harry's POV

I feel how nervous and hesitant she is. Not only by the energy in the car ride, but by how quickly she's thumping her leg on the seat.

I smile and rest my hand on her lap before I intertwine it with hers. My thumb caresses her skin, wanting to help her to calm down on our way to my mum's house. "You won't calm down, will you?" I ask with a smile.

Seconds later, she replies. "Shut up, will you? You're making me even more nervous." She says, causing me to laugh.

I chuckle while I feel her glare. "She won't bite you. I promise." I tell her, which only makes her even more grumpy by the way she pouts her lips in an adorable way.

"It's not funny. Stop making fun of me." She begs. "It's not. You know how much and how long I've wanted to meet your mom and now I'm totally freaking out." She adjusts herself on the seat before she faces me. "Do you think she'll like me? What if-" She begins to ask but I cut her off.

"She won't not like you." I tell her, grabbing her hand in mine.

"How do you know?"

I wasn't sure how to respond because there were so many reasons why Mum would like her. For one, she's already accepted her when we dated years ago. And second, because I loved her. But I couldn't say that, it'd freak her out. So the only answer I could give her was: "Because I like you."

She looked surprise by my surprised by my answer, causing her to pull back and loosen her hand in holding mine. Had she expected me to tell her I loved her? Did she want me to?

"Oh," Was all she said before she quieted down. "I like you, too."

I sighed, mentally face palming myself as I turned the radio on so I wouldn't start beating myself up in my mind. We were fifteen minutes away from Mum's house and I had made things awkward between us.

Why couldn't you just tell her, Harry? I asked myself. What's the big deal if you've already told her you loved her years ago? Thoughts like these crossed through my mind as I drove my car, hearing nothing but the radio and Bailey's sighs.

When I drove up to Mum's street, I drove into her parking space before turning off the car. I noticed Gemma's car parked in front of the house. I hoped that she'd give me advice of this situation while Mum bonds with Bailey. My sister has always been wise.

I unbuckle my seat belt, hearing the click of Bailey unbuckling hers, too. I hear a sigh escape from her lips as she opens the car door and gets out, closing the door behind her. I quickly take my keys out of the ignition and get out just in time to reach her as she's beginning to walk to the house.

"Hey," I stop her by grabbing her wrist, but not in a hold that would hurt her. "We're okay, right? You do know how strongly I believe that my Mum will adore you?" I ask, having to know that what happened in the car didn't upset her to the point where she won't want to be here anymore.

She nods, giving me a small smile but I'm happy that she gave me one at all. "Yeah, everything is great between us. And I do believe you think that, no worries." She says before leaning up and kissing my cheek. Her warm lips stay on my skin for a few seconds before she pulls back, smiles, and holds my hand before we start to walk to the path leading to my old home.

I follow after her, watching at how calm she is now walking up the steps to the porch. She's wearing a red dress. A dress that her mother wouldn't like. A dress that would remind her of the missing piece of innocence she lost. But I can't help but awe at how beautiful she looks in red. She looked absolutely remarkable.

She looks at me one more time before I knock on the door. In seconds, she pulls me by the neck and kisses me urgently but gently. By the time we pull back, I'm out of breath. It causes her to smile and bite her lip. When I'm about to pull her back for a second kiss, she's already knocking on the door. I shake my head, listening to her giggle before the door opens, revealing my very excited Mum.

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