Chapter 10: Old Rival

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I was dazed when I first regained consciousness. I was also laying on a wooden floor with my wrists tied together. Just great. I looked around. No sign of William.

The door opened. A woman with a long knife walked in. 

"Hello Linda," she smiled as she closed and locked the door. "Remember me?"

I looked at her a little harder and then I remembered. Daria Elison. My enemy from years ago. She used to pick on me back when we were in middle school.

"Daria," I said coldly, looking up at her.

"Yes, Linda. It's me. I was afraid you'd forgotten." Daria pulled up a chair in front of me and set down the knife. "My assignment is to torture you for answers and then of course, kill you, but I first thought we could have a little chat. You know, catch up on the good old days." She pushed her foot against my arm.

I glared at her. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"No, no I'm not. How have you been, Linda? Are you still the same dirty little girl who thought she was smarter than everyone?" Daria crossed her legs and looked expectantly at me.

"Are you still the insecure bitch who was jealous of me because I went on to high school while you failed and repeated 8th?" I retorted.

Daria's face twisted into a scowl. She reached down and dug her nails into my arm. I winced in pain and she laughed. "You always thought you were better than everyone, didn't you?"

"I was better than you. I am better than you. I will always be better than you. You're nothing. Just the girl who couldn't pass 8th grade" I told Daria who looked at me in shock. "Only the girl who was desperate for guys to like her. You chased around the guys in middle school who later chased after me in high school. Nobody liked you, Daria. Nobody respected you. Everyone liked me and respected me. Now what does that say about who's better?"

"You need to shut your mouth." Daria snapped and kicked me. Geez, that hurt.

"Why?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows. "You're the one who wanted to discuss old times. I'm rather enjoying myself."

Daria picked up the knife and tossed it in her hand. "Well it's my turn for enjoyment. And believe me when I say this: I am going to enjoy watching you bleed and scream in pain."

"Oh I'm sure you would enjoy that. You always were a sadistic bitch. Too bad you won't get the chance." I smirked. The whole time I'd been taking to Daria, I'd been slowly untying the knot binding my wrists.

"Oh really? Why's that?" She asked.

I stood up and she gasped. "How did you-"

"I'd love to chat," I interrupted, "but I'm on a bit of a tight schedule so excuse me for cutting you off." I yanked the knife from her hand and punched her in the face.

She groaned and fell. I hurriedly grabbed the rope and tied her hands and wrists together.

"What are you doing?" Daria asked looking up at me with a frightened expression.

I ignored her. I picked up the knife and bent down so that I was right over her. "You really picked the wrong one to mess with Daria. Then and now. You see, I can be the nicest girl in the world, but if you mess with me, you'll have some serious problems. Oh well. They say experience is the best teacher." I slowly dragged the knife across her arm. Daria hollered and I watched as blood rushed to her cut and dripped on the floor.

"Oh hush up with all that noise," I told her. I'd get a headache from all that screaming. I grabbed a gag from the table and tied it over her mouth.

"You know Daria," I began smiling brightly at her, "I really don't like people digging their nails into my skin." I pushed the tip of the knife into her knee.

Her screams were muffled through her gag. "Here's my thanks, Daria." I pushed further and she screamed louder.

"Ooooh, was that too deep," I taunted. "Should I cut you someplace else?"

Daria frantically shook her head which only amused me. "Ah-ah-ah. I'm calling the shots. Not you." I grabbed her elbow and quickly dragged the knife against it back and forth, similar to the way a person would file their nails. She writhed and jerked. Blood gushed from her elbow and tears streamed from her face.

"Does that hurt," I mocked. "Remember that day you pushed me down the stairs and I broke my leg?"

I grabbed her finger and pushed the knife completely through.

Daria jerked and yelled so loudly. A fountain of blood gushed from her finger. I finally stood up and looked down at her. She was crying and looking in horror at the gaping hole in her finger.

"You look like you're in pain," I said coolly. "Let me put you out your misery, honey." Bending down, I positioned the knife at the point of Daria's neck where her pulse would be and pushed.

Daria's eyes widened and she froze. I pulled the knife out. A puddle of blood gushed out. She was dead. I laid the knife down next to her bleeding neck and exited the room. 

I needed to find William.

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