Chapter 19: The Predicament

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"You know," William began, slowly. "You were a little harsh on her."

I sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right. But I'm my defense, it's been a stressful day."

"True," he agreed. "I think we're all under a lot of stress."

"So," I said, conversationally, "what do we do on this little break?"

"Um, maybe we should just try taking it easy for a little --"


William and I jumped. To the far right of us stood 3 women who resembled humans only they had snakes for hands and they made weird hissing sounds.

"Linda, get behind me," William said tensely.

"Oh no," laughed the tallest one. "It'sssss too late for that."

"Yesssss," the other one agreed, with a strange, foreign chuckle.

"You both sssshall die."

The three women laughed as they stepped closer to us. Suddenly their faces morphed and fangs erupted from their mouths.

William reached for his gun, but the snake-women were faster. They were in front of us in a flash. One seized William by his neck.

I screamed. Another laughed and grabbed me as well. "Let me go!" I spat, shooting electricity through get neck. She released me and collapsed.

I turned to see William battling one and rushed to his aid.

Suddenly, I was kicked to the ground. Two snakes wrapped themselves around my arms and scowled up at the third one.

Then she fell. The snakes froze and turned to ash. I looked up to see Rachel with a long, curled up blade with points that were burning.

I nodded my head to thank her then we both turned to William. The snake-woman had him and my brother each by one arms. The vicious snakes were hissing and trying to take a chomp from William and Liam's arms.

Rachel and I charged towards the vicious creature. She hissed menacingly. I grabbed her neck and squeezed just as Rachel shoved her weapon through its back. Green slime gushed out as electricity jolted through it.

William and Liam were released as the creature's dead body dropped to the ground.

"Are you okay," Rachel asked my brother.

He grimaced while rubbing his arm. "Yeah, never better."

"William," I said, concerned. "Did it hurt you?"

"Only a little. My arm's a bit red, but I'll live. You and Rachel came in at just about the right time." William smiled. "What about you? Are you unharmed?"

"Yeah," I said smiling.

William's eyes fell down to my arm. "No you're not," he disagreed. He lifted my arm to reveal a long cut that was oozing out blood.

"Oh my God," I said, shocked. "William, I swear I didn't see that." In fact I hadn't even felt it. Now that I realized it was there, it was beginning to throb painfully.

"We need to get this treated." He told me. "Liam, Rachel" he called. "Linda's hurt!"

They ran over.

"Let me see, sis," my brother said, alarmed. "Oh my God! Did this come from one of those snakes?"

"Yes," Rachel said grimly. "It did. Not only that, it's a highly lethal bite. If it's not treated, she'll die within 24 hours."

24 hours? I looked from the bite to William in horror.

"Do you know anyone who can fix this?" He asked Rachel.

"Maybe," she said, warily. "But I'm not sure."

"Let's go then," Liam said.

"It's not that cut and dry," Rachel told him.

"Why not?" demanded William.

"Because the person with the cure is dead. They were killed a year ago. By the government."

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