Chapter 9: Abducted

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"So, let me get this straight," Liam began as he, William and I walked down the street, "you and William are from the future?"

William and I nodded.

"Only I'm from further down the timestream than she is," explained William. "Linda exists in this time but only my ancestors do."

"And past me is still here," I added.

My brother rubbed his forehead. "Damn, this time travel is one hell of a headache," he grumbled.

"Yeah, and we need to out of this time because if I see my past self, it'll erase my existence and all my descendants."

"It sure will," William said grimly. "How do we find another time stream though? The other one just popped up right beneath us."

"Uh-oh," Liam said looking to our right. "It looks like we've got a problem."

William and I turned to see a car pull up right beside us. 2 men in black coats stepped out.

"That's bad news," William said. The three of us began running down the street.

"Where the hell are we going?" I asked.

Suddenly William let out a roar.

I whipped my head to see him being dragged to the car with by his ankles.

Liam and I ran back to grab him, but suddenlyWilliam was jerked into the car.

"Now that we've got your boyfriend, Linda, I trust you'll accompany us to the future," The first man said with a nasty smirk.

I aimed 12 volts of electricity at his head. He chuckled then in a flash, he grabbed me by the throat.

"Bad move, sweetheart." He threw me roughly in the car."

"LET THEM GO!" My brother said angrily. He ran towards the car, but the man simply laughed and jumped back in the car. He zoomed off.

"Where are we going?" William demanded.

"That's none of your concern, son. Now shut your mouth." The second man who was in the passenger's seat snapped. He leaned back and aimed a tazer at William who immediately passed out.

Enraged, I grabbed his neck and shot electricity through him. He screamed and his body jerked and then he froze.

The car stopped. I was snatched out and thrown down. The man suddenly began pulling his face and I watched in horror as his face turned into Lil Wayne's.

"Oh my God," I gasped. I always knew he was with the Illuminati. His music videos of women in cages and skeletons in a theater before an actual movie theater shooting proved it.

Lil Wayne pressed his foot on my neck. "Yes, bitch, it's me. Don't you dare try that on me. It won't work and if you decide to test me, I will put your precious boyfriend through the most excruciating agony and make you watch. Am I clear?"

I nodded.

"Now get in the car before I push a knife through your face." He opened the door, pushed me inside and got back in.

Lil Wayne pointed a taser at me. "Just to be safe." Suddenly I was jolted and the last thing I remember before passing out was seeing his gold teeth come together in a horrific smile.

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