Chapter 22: Stolen

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It happened so quickly. William and I thought we were in the clear, but we were far from it.

I let out a cry of pain as I felt a long sharp knife plunge into my back.

"Linda!! Oh my God, what's wrong?!" William cried in alarm his eyes widening.

I felt myself falling. I couldn't do anything. The pain was unbearable.

"We tried this the easy way," a voice said above me.

"Who are you," William snarled at him.

"I'm the Man who had your worthless parents killed and I'm about to do the same to your girlfriend. Not a bad choice. She's cute." The man lifted me up by my collar holding a bloody blade to my neck. I assumed it was the same one he'd stabbed me with.

"I'll kill you," William snarled stepping towards us.

"Ah ah ah,"the man chided. "One more move and I'll slit her pretty little throat."

William froze.

"Good boy!" Then He whispered in my ear.."Time to go, Princess." Right afterwards, something struck the side of my head and I blacked out.


I woke up in a daze. A bright light was right above me. I tried sitting up, but couldn't. What the... My neck, wrists, ankles and waist were strapped down.

"HElP!!!" I hollered, hoping someone would hear me.

"There's no point," A cool voice said from above me. It was the same man who'd stabbed me and apparently knocked me out.

"You son of a bitch," I snarled furiously.

" me Hugo."

"When I get out of here, you are so dead," I promised him.

"Oh, but that wont be an issue, love. See you're going to lay here while I do some experiments on you and then when I'm done, you're mind will be programed ro forget your friends. You're only interest will be serving me."

"Serving you?!"

"Yes, I'm the ingenuous mastermind behind the Illuminati. I realized the powers of Satanism and was granted the gift of never aging. So basically, I'm  about 400 years old with the looks of a 30 year old."

"Why arent I still bleeding?" I asked Hugo.

"Oh, dont worry. I would have gladly watched you bleed out, but I'm going to need your blood for my tests."

"Why dont you perform tests on one of your sick followers?"

"Well, the answer is quite simple, my dear. I dont need to. Ive programmed their minds and as long as I live, the programming remains." Hugo smirked.

"So basically," I said, "if you died, the Illuminati and all its followers would cease to exist?"

"In theory, yes. I captured you, Linda, because your actions were leading to the downfall of everything I've worked for. I wont let that happen."

Hugo disappeared from my sight ans shortly reappeared with a knife.

My eyes widened.

"Now this," he began "is to teach you a lesson as to what happens to those who oppose or defy me."

"No please dont," I pleaded looking at the sharp silver.

Hugo laughed. "Still trying to stall for time, I see? Thats funny. I bet youre still hoping your pathetic little boyfriend will come save you. Thats funny. But you're going to learn a lot in here. Lesson number one: Love is for the weak!"

He raised the knife and I closed my eyes in fear of the pain that was coming in mere seconds. Then I heard a crash.

My eyes flew open to see the door blown down. It landed on top of Hugo was knocked out.

"Get the fuck away from my sister!"

"Liam?!" I exclaimed.

Rachel followed him pointing an advanced version of a gun at an unconsicious Hugo.

Then I saw William. He ran over to me and immediately unstrapped me. "I'm so sorry, Linda!"

"Its okay. You did nothing wrong. You all came just in time."

By this time, I stood up. "But I found out something... Hugo is the mastermind behind the Illuminati. If we kill him, all the people who were programmed to do hsi bidding will be free. This is the key to saving the world."

Liam, William and Rachel all looked at Hugo.

Then Hugo arose. "Oh, new slaves to program, I see."

I saw him nervously eyeing the door. No he was not getting away. This was our chance to set everything right.

Before anyone could do anything, I zoomed over to Hugo and squeezed his neck, shooting electricity through it.

"Linda!" William said, in concern of my safety.

I then grabbed the knife that Hugo was going to use to torture me and plunged it in his neck. His eyes froze, blood gushed out of him and he dropped.

I turned to my brother, boyfriend, and Rachel. "He's dead. The world has been saved.

Dear more chapter...its not over yet!!!

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