Chapter 21: Damage Control

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William stood in shock, gaping at the place where is father had stood mere seconds ago.

"William," I whispered. "Are you okay?"

He looked from the place to me. "I cant believe what just happened."

"Me either, but we cant stay here," I reminded him. "We have to try and find my brother and Rachel."

His eyes widened. "The cure!"

"Yeah. We have to stop them from going back in time."

Suddenly, I noticed the area around us getting unnaturally chilly.

"You feel that?" I asked him.

"Yeah....we should get out of here."

"Too late for that," a voice snarled behind us. We whipped around to see a man with tattoos of 666 and illuminati eye triangles all over him. His shirt had an upside down cross. It didnt take a genius to see that he was a straight up Satanist.

"What the hell do you want?" William demanded.

"I want your girlfriend."

"No. You can go to Hell."

"Love to, but I'm taking her with me one way or another. You should be happy. I have no interest in you because you will not be able to stop the Illuminati by yourself despite your feeble attempts." The Satanist pointed at me. "This girl, however, is capable of that and so much more. That cant happen."

"Maybe you didnt hear me," my boyfriend growled angrily. "I said no!"

The Satanist smiled. " love her."

"I do," William agreed. "And if you attempt to take her, you'll know pain like you never knew before."

"You foolish boy, love always betrays you."

I could see where this was headed. The Satanist was bound to attack any moment. Then an idea came to me.

"I'll go," I said in a voice that I hoped was convincing. I stepped towards the man.

"Linda no!" William exclaimed.

I turned towards him and winked.

Then I walked to the Satanist. He took my arm and smiled evilly at William. "Looks like your pretty little girlfriend isnt so devoted to the cause of righteousness after all," he laughed. "Its just as I always fails!!"

"But thats where you're wrong!" I hissed.

The Satanist looked at me in shock. "What the..."

I drew back my foot and smashed it into his balls...

"AAAARGHHHHH!!!" He roared in agony. I grabbed his neck and shot electricity through it.

William ran to aid me in destroying this demonic man but he was faster.

The Satanist grabbed my hair and threw me down with extreme force. "You little bitch!" I looked up to see him storming towards me with a murderous glare.

William tackled him from behind and the Satanist fell down. I grabbed his head and smashed his face repeatedly against the hard concrete.

He bellowed and waved his arms frantically. William drew out a weapon and plunged it into the Satanist's back. I then pressed my fingers to the wound and shot electricity through it causing him to holler and writhe.

"You see...." I whispered in his ear. "Evil always fails you! Bye bye little man!"

William lifted a huge rock and smashed it on the Satanist's bleeding head. We heard the loud crack of his skull and then blood erupted from underneath the rock where his head once was.

"Good work," I said admirably.

"Thats how it goes," William smiled. "Im just glad youre okay."

"Same here," I said, hugging him.

"So about finding Liam and Rachel...." He said after we broke apart.


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