Chapter 14: Surprise

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"Oh my God!" I ran to my brother and gave him a big hug. "How'd you get here? I mean, we're in the future."

Liam laughed. "Since you and William saved me from the demon that would have murdered me, that changed the time stream. I was able to travel here and thankfully I landed here."

"That's great, mate" William said, patting my brother on the shoulder.

Suddenly Liam's eyes widened. "Hey guys, um, there's a bunch of angry reptilians behind you, so let's talk later!" He whipped out a crossbow and shot an arrow into one of their necks.

William and I immediately re-entered our combat zone. I ducked narrowly dodging a bullet and shot back.

Within 10 minutes, we were done. All the government officials/reptilians on the floor were dead.

Suddenly, water appeared beneath Liam, William and I. We looked at each other, nodded and jumped.

Year 3000

"Wow," I said looking around me. The three of us were in a blue room. There were tables with needles and what appeared to be tracking chips. William and I looked down at them in horror.

"Yep," he said grimly. "These are the chips that almost everyone in my time has implanted in them at birth. In fact, it's illegal not to get one."

"How'd you avoid getting it?" I asked.

"My parents hid me from the government. They were also rebels working to stop the Illuminati."

"But didn't they have chips in them?"

"Yeah," William answered. "They removed them though.  My parents were able to evade the government for 25 years, but agents eventually caught up with them and had them killed."

"I'm sorry, William," I said, gently touching his arm.

"Its okay. I knew them from the time I was born to about a year ago."

"We're going to stop these people," I promised him. "What they're doing isn't right."

William smiled. "Being with you has really helped me and I'm not just referring to you helping me fight."

"Thanks and the same applies to you," I replied. I wondered if this was William's way of saying he liked me.

"Hey, lovebirds," my brother said suddenly.

William and I jumped.

Liam laughed. "We do need to destroy these, you know. There's at least 8 billion of these chips. If we destroy these, nobody in the future will  have these things implanted in them."

"That'll change everything," I agreed. "The Illuminati won't have nearly as much control." I turned to William. "Your parents will be okay."

"This could kill people though or seriously change the course of their lives." He said, warily. "Who knows? Some people may just cease to exist in the future. I'm not disagreeing with you guys but I just want you to be aware of potential negative consequences."

"So all in favor?" I asked.

All three of us nodded.

"Okay then," Liam said. He pulled a matchbox from his inner coat pocket. He lit match after match and dropped them on all 8 billion miniscule tracking chips. Within minutes, they were all burning.

Suddenly we heard shouts from the other side of the door.

"No, let me go! I don't want to be your experiment for some stupid tracking device!" A female voice shouted.

"Shut up and do as you're told before I have your tongue chopped off!" A man snarled.

William, Liam and I looked at each other.

"When they get in here," my brother began, "we grab the girl and kill the guy! Got it?!"

William and I nodded. 3 seconds later, the door opened. A woman who looked a little younger than me was thrown in. Liam grabbed her and she struggled.

"It's okay," he whispered. "I'm not going to hurt you." She relaxed and Liam stood protectively in front of her.

The man walked in next and let out a roar of shock when he saw the burning chips. Then he saw William, the woman, Liam and I.

"What the devil are you doing in here?" He demanded. "Get from behind that man before I hurt you, Rachel!"

"You aren't going to touch her," my brother snarled.

"No," I agreed, stepping behind the man, "you're not." I then grabbed his neck and he howled as electricity shot through his body. Finally, he went limp and I dropped him.

"Now let's get the hell out of here," I said, turning to William, Liam and Rachel.

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