Chapter 18: Arguments

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"Wow, that was a close one," I breathed.  Liam was ordering our food while William, Rachel and I found seats. 

"Yeah, you're right," William agreed. "How many times did your brother have to stab that foul creature?"

"I dont know, I was too preoccupied with shooting electricity through it."

"We've all gotta be careful," Rachel said shaking her head. "I mean we left that place a mess. I wouldnt be suprised if our little fiasco hasnt hit the news already."

"There werent any cameras," I said. "Arent we in the clear."

"Yeah," Rachel answered, "I'm just starting to get a really bad feeling. Something horrific is about to happen and we need to be prepared. Almost everyone here is under the Illuminati's control and people who have tried to rebel have ended up dead."

"So that just means we plan strategically," Liam said, handing everyone their food and taking a seat.

I bit into one of my McNuggets. "So what do we do next? I mean, we've got all these weapons, but what are we actually going to do with them? Instead of slaughtering the Illuminati, we need to be awakening people and getting them from under this mind control."

"Well, if we eliminate the source, then there's nothing controlling them.," Liam said.

"Maybe we should do both," William threw in. "I mean, we have made progress when it comes to the chips and destroying them."

"Look maybe we should take a break from all this," Liam suggested. "Everyone seems like they're under stress and how is this helping us right now?"

I look incredulously at my brother. "Wait a minute," I began. "You did not just ask that question. How is this helping us? Are you kidding me?"

"No," Liam said seriously. " I'm not. We've been fighting these monsters for what seems like forever and everyone needs a break."

"There are no time for breaks," I snapped. Why wasnt  my brother getting this. "While we take breaks, these people get closer and closer to taking over the world. It's our duty to stop them. Maybe you got shaken from fighting that demon or something, but snap out of it! We dont have time for any damn breaks." I took a sip of my Coca Cola.

"Hey, you really dont need to get all snippy," Rachel said. "He's only trying to help."

I set down my drink. "Look," I said, turning to her. "Just because you have some silly little crush on my brother doesnt mean you get to tell me how to speak to him, you got that?"

Rachel opened her mouth to angrily retort, but William cut in. He coughed. "Um, hey, there's no need for a row. We're all on the same side and are all working to accomplish the same goal." He looked from me to Rachel. She bit into her cheeseburger, keeping her eyes on me. 

I glared back. She wanted to give me a steely glare? We could play that game. 

"Personally," William continued, "I do have to agree with my girlfriend on this. There's no time for breaks. We need to haul ass and stop these bastards from wreaking any more havoc."

"Of course you'd agree with her," Rachel muttered under her breath.

"Stop talking," I told her.

"I've had it up to here with you," she snapped, slamming down her drinks. "You think just because you can shoot electricty through your fingers that you can boss everyone around. Even your own brother!"

"Unless you want me to shoot some electricity through you, I'd advise you to stop lecturing me about my brother right now." I meant every word.

"Linda!" Liam said warningly.

"What?!" I snapped, raising my voice a little.

"Okay, maybe we should split up for awhile," suggested William. "Linda and I can get some time to ourselves for a few hours and we'll meet up with you lot."

Liam nodded, "Good idea."

"Yeah," I agreed standing up next to William.  I turned to Liam. "Because your little damsel is really starting to annoy me."

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