Chapter 17: Catching Up

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It was a few hours later. William, Rachel, Liam and I were all awake and well rested. Everything was going according to plan until Rachel gave us some crucial information that we didnt have.

"I hope you guys know that these medival weapons are useless in 3000," Rachel said, pointing at our guns,

What? "But we shot the guy who had you with these guns." I said with confusion.

"Yes, but that's because you guys had the element of suprise on your side," she explained. "When we're in real combat with people who have weapons at the ready, these ancient objects wont help you. Well, maybe the knives with but these, um, guns are nothing."

"You may be right," William replied. "But we can still keep them handy. You never know what might happen."

"Okay so where do we get weapons that are lethal and dangerous," asked Liam.

"Um, I know a place, but we'd have to break in and get them, If we arent successful and get caught, we might as well blow our heads off because the government will torture us as punishment."

"What's up with all this torture," Liam began. "Isn't that only for terrosists?"

"No," Rachel said grimly. "Not in 3000."

"Not in 4464 either," William said.

"Where do we go and how do we get there," I asked Rachel.

"There's a place about 1 mile from here," she said, "Deadly Weapons Shop. The owner is a demon."

"WHAT?!" Liam exclaimed.

"Liam, we're in the future now," I reminded him. "In the future where there are fallen angels and insidious spirits walking amongst us as human beings or however they'd like to present themselves. These are ugly and dangerous times."

"How are we supposed to kill a demon with only knives and guns, because right now those are the only weapons we have and demons are immensely more powerful," My brother demanded tensely.

"I know a way," William said.

"Let's hear it then." Liam said eagerly.

"We need to go in and just act like regular people. As long as the demon doesnt suspect youre agianst him or onto him, youre fine. When he knows youre on the side of light and not darkeness, that's when everything goes to hell," my boyfriend explained.

"How do we pretend to be evil?" I asked. "i've done my fair share of research and spirits can sense what you're really all about. I say the only way to get what we need is to go in attacking."

"Gotta agree with Linda on this," said Rachel and I smiled at her, appreciative of the backup.

Liam nodded too.

"Okay then," William said, taking a breath. "Let's do it."

1 hour later

The four of us slowly approached Deadly Weapons Shop looking around cautiously. We'd already formulated a plan. "I'd go in and sweet talk the owner/demon while everyone else snuck in. When he was close enough, I'd shoot electicity through him. It wouldnt kill him but it would put him in agony. Then Liam would try to help me finish him off while Rachel and William got as many weapons as possible.

I nodded at them, held my head high and entered Deadly Weapons. I looked around at the front counter and saw a man about in his 40s. He was  looking at symbols and texts hovering in midair. I forced a smile and slowly walked towards him swinging my hips provacatively.

He looked me up and down and a leery smile took over his face. Good, this plan was working so far.

"Hi," I said in a cute voice, leaning on the counter giving him a slight view of my breasts.

"Hello, honey how may I help you," he said licking his lips. Ew, what a perv. But then again, he wasnt even really human.

"I'm lost," I lied with a sweet smile. "I was wondering if you could help me find my way home."

"How bad do you want to get home," he asked me with a malicious glint in his eyes.

"Well, pretty badly," I said still feigning innocence. "I'd do anything."

He stood up. "Anything huh? Well, maybe we could work something out, babe. What do you say?"

Good. This was exactly what I needed. Now all I needed was for him to get close enough for me to touch him. Guess it was time to amp up the seductress act. I gave him a smile. "I'd love to work something out with such a handsome guy as yourself," I told him, winking,

His sinister smile widened and in a flash he was across the counter. Seizing my arm roughly, he laughed. "You're coming with me, pretty girl."

"No, I'm not," I said suddenly. I grabbed his neck and shot all the volts of electricity possible through him. 

His eyes turned red and he let out a bellow of agony.

"LETS GO!!!" I yelled to Liam, Rachel and William. They burst through the door. Liam ran over to help me while William and Rachel went for the weapons.

Liam pulled out a knife and began stabbing the demon everywhere he possibly could. The demon writhed in pain and then suddenly he let out the most ungodly roar ever and transformed. His skin turned yellow and two horns protruded from his forehead. He kicked me in the stomach and I went flying across the shop.

"Not my sister, you dick," Liam yelled angrily, this time stabbing the demon in the neck. The monster howled but this time he grabbed my brother and began squeezing his neck. Liam's eyes widened and he began turning red. No. No. my brother couldnt die.

Using all the strength, I could muster, I ran at the demon and pushed two of my fingers through each of his eyes and shot electricty through. He dropped my brother and began thrashing this time. Then his hands turned into sharp red claws that could rip steel to pieces. He swung and I ducked, narrowly missing a blow that would have decapitated me. I maintained the voltage in his eyes and finally he stopped, incapacitated with pain and fell.

Liam broke through glass and grabbed a steel sharp object with dozens of equally sharp points. He stood over the demon. "Say bye bye," Liam snarled as he plunged the weapon through the demons chest. The demon twitched then just stopped. He was dead.

Liam and I ran over to Rachel and William who were still grabbing weapons. The four of us continued. Once we had all that we could take, we left.

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