Chapter 13: Fighters

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2 Weeks Later

"Okay, so our goal is to kill as many Illuminati workers as possible," William said handing me two rifles.

"Which level?" I asked, just to get clarity.

"Let's start on the first floor. Don't forget to shoot all the security cameras. We've both also got knives in case this turns into hand to hand combat."

"I can also electrocute them," I reminded William with a smile, holding up my Jake.

"Let's go then," he said, returning my grin.

It took us about 15 minutes to reach the Illuminati headquarters. We nodded at each other and entered.

I aimed at the back of a guards head and pulled the trigger. He was dead before he hit the ground. His partner reached for his weapon, but William swiftly shot him. Both of us grabbed the guards guns and tucked them in our belts. You could never be too safe.

I looked around me. 2 cameras on the wall. Bam! Bam! Gone. The glass shattered and the wires hung like bats.


Shit! William and I ran around a corner, out of first sight. Men and women in black came running with tasers and guns at the ready. We looked at each other, nodded and we shot. A woman fell, dead.

The guards turned in our direction and we hurriedly hid.

"We know you're here!" One growled angrily. "Show yourself, now!!"

William and I looked at each other with wide eyes. The man was getting closer and closer. We could hear his footsteps.

An idea occurred to me. I slowly pulled my pocketknife from my leather jacket and waited. Just as his foot appeared in our view, I bent down and plunged the knife through his leg.

"ARRRGGAAAAHHHH!" He screeched.

"Goodbye," William smirked, then shot him in the chest.

Giving that our hiding spot was no longer safe, we stepped out.

"Hello," William said, with a hint of malice.

"Why have you committed acts of treason?" A man with blond hair asked, stepping forward, with a death glare.

"I'm sorry," I began innocently, "what acts of treason?"

"You've broken into government headquarters," began the man. "And murdered several government officials."

"You guys are tyrannical psychopaths. You legalized murder. People have Barcodes and tattoos with 666. You're evil." William said now scowling. "You've unleashed demons and satanic entities upon us just to create your sick New World Order. You deserve to die."

The blonde man turned to his comrades. "Capture & apply the Mind Control Therapy upon them. I think strong willed people such as them will make great followers."

"Like hell," I snarled. No way we were going to be brainwashed into serving the Illuminati. I'd die first.

On instinct, I drew back my hand and shot electricity at the guy. He ducked causing it to hit 3 of the men behind him who instantly dropped dead.

In a flash, he was in front of William and I and seized us both by our necks.

"Bad move, rebel," he whispered, violently throwing us down. Damn, that hurt. William and I leapt back up only for the man to disappear and grab us from behind. Again we were tossed on the ground.

William aimed his rifle at the man and shot. Again, he dodged but this time he morphed. His face turned into that of a vampire's.

Then he froze. His face contorted in pain and I watched as a wooden stake went through his chest. He fell and immediately turned to ashes.

Behind him stood Liam.

"Hey sis, I'm back."

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