Chapter 15: Rachel

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"Thank you so much for saving me," Rachel said to Liam. We were currently underground in a cave hiding until the sun went down.

"You're welcome," he said smiling. "It's not often that I get to rescue a beautiful woman."

Rachel blushed.

William and I exchanged knowing looks and grinned. We both had an idea of where this was headed.

"Oh and you guys too," Rachel said turning to William and I. "Thank you so much!"

"No problem," I said amicably. "I'm Linda, that's my brother Liam and this is William."

Rachel shook hands with William and I. "Your brother is quite the gentleman," she whispered to me.

I laughed.

"So, um is there anything you know about that man or the organization?" William asked Rachel.

"You don't know?" She asked, looking completely stunned.

"Um, no" Liam answered. "You see, Linda and I are from 2014 whereas William is from 4464. So we're a bit new to the year 3000."

"So you're not from this time?" Rachel asked.

"Nope," the three of us said in unison.

"Are you government officials," she said warily. "Do you work for the Illuminati?!"

"No, of course not," Liam said. "We're the exact opposite. We're working to stop the Illuminati. I'd anything we're the Anti-Illuminati."

"I thought you might be working against them" Rachel said, "but I had to ask. You never know these days. Besides, time travel is barely possible. I mean, of course, it can be done, but only top secret government officials know how to do it."

"In your time, maybe," William amended. "But in my year, it can be done by almost anyone as long as the time stream appears to them."

"But the time stream appeared to us in my time," I said, confused. "Why? People in 2014 still think that you have to move faster than the speed of light to travel through time.

"You do," William said. "The time stream travel is faster than the speed of light. As far as why the stream appeared to us in your time, I'm not sure."

"So what's our goal here?" Rachel inquired.

"We're taking down the Illuminati." Liam answered.

"Then I'm helping you," Rachel said.

"What? No way!" Liam objected.

Rachel turned to him. "C'mon," she said gently touching my brothers hand. "I want to do this. There're already too many people sitting idly about while the Illuminati builds their plans for the New World Order. I can't be another one of those people."

Liam looked at her, hesitantly.

"She right," I said to my brother. "Let her help us."

"I'm with Linda on this," William agreed.

Liam looked from William to me and then finally back to Rachel. "Fine," he relented. "But I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Rachel smiled. "Thank you Liam."

"And you'll need this," he said, handing her a gun and a knife.

While my brother helped Rachel, William turned to me. "Linda, I think we need to talk."

"Yeah, of course. We can talk about anything," I told him.

"Even about our kiss," he asked.

I felt my face turn warm and I fought back a grin. "Even that."

"Okay," William said, holding my hands, "I was wondering if it meant anything to you."

"Of course," I told him. "Wait. Did it mean something to you?"

William looked deeply in my eyes. "Linda, that kiss meant everything to me. I love you so much. I know we're on a dangerous journey and I don't know how it will end  but I'd like you to be my girlfriend. I'll always be here to love and protect you. Will you be mine?"

"It would be my honor," I said to William. "I'd love to be your girlfriend. I feel like I've known you forever. You always have my back and I love you too."

"Thank you so much, Linda." He said placing his hand gently on my cheek.

Then we sealed it with a kiss.

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