Chapter 3

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The next few hours of school were boring but i'm glad that i had classes with Gloria, Gina, Kathi & Fatma. "Ready for Lunch?" Gina asked. "I can't go to Lunch with you guys." i said. "Why?" Gloria asked. "Mr. Henderson wanted to talk to me." i said. They all smirked at me and i rolled my eyes and said "Girls, nothing will happen! He's my teacher and he just wants to talk." i said. "If you say so." Gloria said and laughed. "See you later." i said and walked away. I walked back to the place where he wanted to meet me. I was standing in front of the room and waited for Mr. Henderson to show up. Suddenly the door behind me and Mr. Henderson stood there.

"Come in." he said. I walked inside and sat down at a chair in the first row. Mr. Henderson sat down at a chair in front of me. "I talked to your teachers from last year." he said. "And?" i asked a little confused. "They told me that you weren't that good at history and at maths." he said. "True..." i said. "I decided to help you. You could come to my apartment twice a week." he said. "Okay." i said. "Do you have time to come over later?" he asked. I nodded and he gave me his address. "See you later." he said. "Bye." i said and walked to the cafeteria. I saw the girls at a table in the back. I walked up to them and sat next to Fatma. "What did he wanted to talk about?" Kathi asked. "He'll help me with history and with maths." i said. "Go on." Gloria said. I rolled my eyes and said "And i will go to his place later so he can help me. He said that we should meet twice a week." "I don't think that he will just help you with history and maths." Gina said. "Seriously all of you guys are annoying me sometimes." i said. They laughed and then we had go back to our classes. 

*A few hours later*

I arrived at home and walked inside. Kendall was sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey Love, how was school?" he asked. "Pretty good." i said. "Great." he said. "Kendall, i've to go again later." i said. "Why?" he asked. "A teacher wants to help me with Maths and History." i said. "Oh okay, what's the teachers name?" he asked. "Logan Henderson." i said. "This name sounds really familiar to me." he said. "Anyways, i'll take a shower." i said and walked upstairs. I took a shower and got dressed. 

I walked downstairs and as i opened the door Kendall yelled "Don't come back too late!" "Got it!" i said and walked outside. I walked to Mr. Hendersons apartment since it isn't too far away from my place. I knocked on the door and he opened the door. 

"Hey (YN)." he said. "Hello Mr. Henderson." i said. "Call me Logan." he said. "Okay Logan." i said. "Come in." he said. We walked inside and we sat down in the dining room. "Start with History?" he asked. "Sure." i said. 

After a hour i couldn't focus on history anymore. "Logan, i can't focus anymore." i said. He looked at me. "Okay we'll take a break." he said. "Good." i said and leaned back. "Want something to drink?" he asked. "Water please." i said. After a minute he came back and gave me a glass of water. "Thank you." i said. "No Problem." he said. He looked at me and i looked at him a little bit confused. "Is everything ok?" i asked. "Yes, you're just so beautiful." he said. "Oh uhm...thank you." i said and blushed really hard. "We need to talk about something." he said and smirked.

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