Chapter 9

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*A few days later*

It was Friday and i was at school. My last lesson was Maths. God, i just wish that i could be at home right now because i hate Maths. I was excited to meet Logans Parents today. I already sat in Maths Class and we had to work on something but i was deep in thoughts. Suddenly Logan stood in front of my. "Is something wrong?" he whispered so no one could understand what we were talking about. "I'm just nervous." i whispered. "You don't need to be nervous. Everything will be alright. My Parents will love you." he whispered. "I hope so." i whispered. "Now continue with your work." he said. I nodded and 20 minutes later the lesson was over. "Ready to go to Texas?" Logan asked. "Yup." i said. I packed some clothes in a backpack so we can leave after school. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the school building. We walked to his car and got inside. "My bag is in the trunk so we can leave now." he said. I smiled and said "Great." He drove to the airport and as we arrived we grabbed our bags and walked iniside the building. 

*After a few hours*

We arrived and Logan grabbed our bags and we walked to the car he rented. We got in the car and i was really tired so i closed my eyes. After 20 minutes Logan said "Baby, we're here." "Oh okay." i said. Okay, now i'm really nervous." i said. "Don't be nervous baby." he said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We walked up to the house of his parents. He ring the doorbell and after a few seconds someone opened the door. "Logie Bear." the woman said and hugged him tight. "Hi Mum." he said and hugged her back. As he pulled away he wrapped his arms around my waist "Mum, this is (YN)." Logan said. "Nice to meet you." she said and hugged me. I hugged her back and said "Nice to meet you too Mrs. Henderson." "Call me Pam." she said. I smiled at her and we walked inside. A girl run up to us and Logan let go of me and hugged her. "I missed you Bro." she said. "I missed you too." he said. He looked at me and said "Presley this is (YN). (YN) this is Presley." She gave me a hug and said "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." i said and smiled. We walked in the living room and his dad sat on the couch. "Son!" his Dad said. "Dad!" Logan said and hugged his Dad. Logan introduced me to his Dad and we all sat in the living room. "So, how did you guys meet?" Pam asked. I looked at Logan and he looked at me. "Well..." i said. Pam, Jeff and Presley looked at me and Logan said "You know that i'm a teacher and (YN)'s one of my students..." His Parents looked at us with wide eyes. "What?" Pam asked. "Logan's my teacher." i said. "Mum, i know that it isn't allowed but i love her and i can't hide my feelings." he said. He said that he loves me. "Logan...i know that it's not allowed but if you both love eacher other i think it's alright." Pam said. "Son, she's a wonderful girl and i think you both are a really cute couple so it's alright." Jeff said. I smiled and Logan looked at me and said "I told you that they will love you." I nodded and he kissed me. I kissed him back and as we pulled away his parents smiled at us. I blushed a little bit and his Dad said "We should go out for dinner." "That would be a great idea." Logan said. "So, get ready and we'll leave at 8" Pam said. We made our way to our room. "I'll take a shower." i said. Logan nodded and i walked in the bathroom and got undressed. As i was in the shower the door suddenly opened.


Sorry this part is so short but i didn't know what to write. This part is so shitty, sorry. The next Part will be up tomorrow. 

Much Love, Jenny.♥ 

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