Chapter 11

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*Next Day*

I woke up and as i turned around Logan was next to me and he was still sleeping. I smiled and just watched him sleeping. A few minutes later he let out a groan and that means that he wakes up. He always groans when he wakes up. He slowly opened his eyes and he smiled at me. "Good morning Sunshine." he said. "Morning." i said and peck his lips. "How did you sleep?" i asked. "Amazing because i dreamed of you." he said. "You're so cheesy." i said and laughed a little. He grinned. We heard a knock on the door and his mum walked inside. "Morning you two." she said. "Morning." Logan and i said at the same time. "Get ready, we're going to the beach." she said and left. Logan and i changed into clothes for the beach and we walked downstairs and his parents were waiting. "Where's Presley?" i asked. "She's in her room." Pam said. "Will she come to the beach with us?" i asked. Jeff shook his head and i said "I'll be right back." I walked up to her room and knocked on the door. "Come in." she said. "Hey." i said. "Hi." she said and smiled a little but i noticed that it wasn't a real smile. "Why don't you go to the beach with us?" i asked. "I'm still sad." she said. "I told you that you can spend the day with him and guess what?" i said. "What?" she asked. "Logan promised me to visit you more often." i said. "Really?" she asked. I nodded and she smiled really wide. "So, will you go to the beach with us now?" i asked. "I will. Just let me change." she said. "I'll wait in front of your room." i said. I walked out of her room and waited. A few minutes later she walked outside and she's wearing a sundress. We walked downstairs and then we made our way to the beach. It wasn't that far away so we decided to walk. After 5 minutes of walking we arrived and sat down at our towels. We just talked for a half hour. "Who wants to go in the water?" Jeff asked. We all raised our hands and we took our clothes off so we were wearing our swimming clothes. 

We walked to the water and everyone was already in the water but i wasn't. "Come on babe." Logan said. "But the water is cold!" i said. "Don't be a party pooper." Logan said. "Logan i'm sorry but the water is freaking cold." i said. He walked up to me and picked me up so i was sitting on his shoulders. "Logan what are you doing?" i asked as he walked back in the water to Pam, Jeff and Presley. "You'll see." he said and i saw that he smirked. "Logan don't let me fall in the water!" i warned but then he let go of me. I fell in the water. After a few seconds i stood in front of Logan and i gave him a serious look. "Aww Babe. I'm so sorry that you fell in the water." he said and smirked. I rolled my eyes and Logan started to splash me. "Stop it." i said and looked at him. As i looked at him he splashed some water in my face and i said "Ok, you're dead!" He laughed a little but i swam behind him and i pushed him a little bit and he didn't expect it so he fell in the water. I smirked and as he was standing in front of me again he looked at me. I saw Presley standing behind Logan and she splashed him. All of us had a water fight. After like 10 minutes i was starting to get tired and i said "Guys, i'm sorry but i'm tired i'll go back to our towels." "It's okay sweetheart." Jeff said. I smiled and walked out of the water. I sat down at my towel and watched them. 

Logan is so awesome. Do i really deserve to be with him? I mean, i'm not even pretty or something like that. I looked at my hands who were at my lap. Suddenly someone stood in front of me. I looked up and saw that it was Logan. "Hey Babe." he said and sat next to me. "Hey." i said and smiled a little. He wrapped his arm around my waist and asked "What were you thinking about?" "Nothing." i said and looked at him. "Really?" he asked. I nodded and he kissed me. Suddenly i heard someone say "Mr. Henderson?" 

I knew that voice. We turned around and we saw Josh standing there. He was a student at my school and he's in my class. We got caught. "Y-yeah?" Logan asked. "What the fuck are you both doing?" Josh asked. I looked at Logan and then i looked at Josh. "Nothing." i said. "Oh come on." Josh said "I know that you both kissed, i saw it." "Josh listen, please tell no one at school that you saw us together. They will kick me off of school and they'll fire Logan!" i said. "Why should i?" he asked. "Forget it." i said. "Please Josh." Logan begged. "I'll think about it." Josh said and walked away. "What is he even doing here?" Logan asked me. "His Grandparents live here." i said. "Oh...i really hope that he'll tell no one what just happened." Logan said. "I hope so too." i said.

I've a really bad feeling about Josh. We never liked each other and he would do everything that i will feel bad but i don't know if he would really tell the school about Logan and me. 


So i hope you enjoy reading. I think this Chapter sucks BIG TIME. Anyways, i'm not sure if i've time to update tomorrow. 

Thank you all for reading. :)

Much Love, Jenny.♥

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