Chapter 24

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*7 Years later*

Today was Noahs 7th Birthday. I can't believe that he has grown up so fast.

Logan and I were still in bed sleeping. I woke up as i heard the door to our bedroom open.

Suddenly someone jumped on the bed. It was Noah.

"Mum! Dad! Wake up!" Noah yelled and jumped on the bed. "Noah, i'm already awake." i said and chuckled.

"Happy Birthday Baby Boy." i said as he jumped on top of me. I hugged him tight and gave him a big kiss on the forehead. I looked at Logan and noticed that he was still sleeping. "Come on buddy, let's go downstairs and make Daddy breakfast so we can surprise him." i said. "Yay." he yelled. "Shh, we don't want to wake Dad up." i said and laughed. We got up and walked downstairs.

I started to grab the stuff i need for the pancakes and Noah said "I want to help. "Okay, can you give me the flour?" i asked. He nodded, grabbed the flour and handed it to me. "Thanks." i said. I put enough flour in the bowl and threw a little bit of flour at Noah.

"HEY!" he yelled and laughed at the same time. I laughed and said "You look so cute." He threw some flour at me again. Soon we both were covered in flour.

"What happened in here?" we heard someone say. We turned around and saw Logan standing there.

As soon as Logan saw our faces he burst out in laughter. I started to laugh and Noah said "We wanted to make you breakfast Daddy but Mum started to throw flour at me." "Well, and we didn't finish to make breakfast yet. So, could you maybe clean up Noah." "Sure, come here Kiddo." Logan said and Noah walked up to Logan.

"Happy Birthday buddy." Logan said and picked Noah up and sat him down on his hip. "Thank you Daddy. I thought you forgot." Noah said. "Never." Logan said and gave him a kiss on the head. They walked upstairs and as i was making breakfast i hear them laughing.

After a few minutes they came back downstairs and Logan asked "Is breakfast ready yet?" "Not yet. Can you two set up the table?" i asked. "Sure Mom." Noah said.

A few minutes later i finished to make pancakes and we sat down at the table and started to eat.

"What would you like to do today since you don't have school?" i asked. "Can we go to the Zoo?" Noah asked. "Sure. Let's do that." Logan said. 

As we finished to eat i cleaned the kitchen while the boys were getting ready. I finished to clean the kitchen and went to the bathroom and took a shower. After the shower i wrapped a towel around me and walked in the bedroom. I opened the closet and grabbed my clothes. I walked back in the bathroom and got dressed into a black top which ended above my belly button and put on a pair of skinny jeans.

I walked downstairs and as Logan saw me his jaw dropped. "What's wrong?" i asked. "Damn Babe." he said and pulled me close to him and kissed me.

I kissed him back and we heard someone say "Ewww."

We pulled alway and saw Noah looking at us. We both laughed and then we left. 

As we arrived at the Zoo Noah run out of the car.  He run up to some animals and Logan and i just watched him for a few minutes.

"He's so cute." Logan said. "I agree." i said. "Let's have another one." Logan said. "What?" i asked. "Let's have another child." Logan said. "I want to think about it first." i said. "Take your time." Logan said and kissed my cheek. Logan walked up to Noah and i bought both of them some ice cream.


Sorry that i ended that Chapter  that quick but i don't have that much time to write this weekend because i'm not at home.

Anyways, i hope that you enjoy this Chapter.

I know it's short, sorry about that.

Sorry if there are mistakes in it but i didn't had time to read it again.

Btw, thank you all for reading. :*

Much Love, Jenny ♡

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