Chapter 17

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"It's true." my Dad said happy. I looked at Kendall and Kendall looked at me. Both of us were shocked but after a few seconds he started to smile really wide. He looked at our parents and stood up and yelled "Oh My Gosh that's amazing!"

Logan let go of me and whispered in my ear "Are you ok?" I stood up and run outside.

" (YN)!" i could hear Logan and my Mum yell after i started to run. I was still running. I don't know how long i run but after a few minutes i slowed down. I-i'm going to be a big sister?

Actually that's amazing but i'm shocked. I didn't expect it to happen. I walked around for a few minutes and then i decided to go back home.

I arrived and walked inside and i saw everyone sitting on the couch. They looked worried.

As they saw me Logan jumped off of the couch and he run up to me and hugged me tight. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed me. I kissed him back and as we pulled away he sat me down on the couch and kneeled in front of me. "Baby, i was so worried about you." he said as he grabbed my hands. "I'm sorry." i said. "It's alright as long as you're back!" he said.

I stood up and stood in front of my parents. "I'm sorry because of my reaction. I was just shocked." i said. "We were shocked too." Mum said. I laughed a little bit and they laughed too. "I'm really sorry." i said. "Honey, it's ok." Dad said. "I agree." Mum said. They both gave me a hug and Kendall said "Guess whos birthday it is on friday." "Mine?" i said and smiled. "Right." Kendall said. "Yay." i laughed. Logan looked at me and said "I didn't know that your birthday is on friday." "Now you know it, babe." i said and kissed him.


I was in the first lesson of the day. It was Maths. Logan wasn't here yet. All of the girls wished me a happy birthday. Suddenly the door opened and Logan walked inside. He looked stunning. He never looked that hot before. I always thought that he couldn't get any hotter but i guess that i've been wrong.

I guess that he saw me staring at him because he smirked.

"Good morning everyone." he said. "Morning." we said back. He told us what we had to do and we were working for 15 minutes and then Logan said that i should go out of the class room with him so he could talk to me.

I stood up and walked out of the class room. He closed the door and i asked "What's up?" He looked around and i guess he checked if someone is here. "Happy Birthday Baby Girl." he said and kissed me. "Thank you." i said as we pulled away. "Now you're old." he said and smirked. "Oh right, Mister. I'm only 17 and you're 24 and yeah, right i'm the old one." i said and smiled. He laughed and he pulled me in for a kiss. As we kissed i ran a hand through his hair and he pushed me against the wall.

"I need to tell you something." i said against his lips. "What is it?" he asked against mine. "You never looked that hot like you look like right now." i said and kissed him. I could feel him smirking. "We should go back inside. We still have time to do that when we're home." i said. "You're right." he said. "I'm always right." i said and laughed. "Sure." he said and laughed a little.

*A few hours later*

I was waiting outside of the school. Logan could be here any minute. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and i looked at that person and i saw that it was Logan. We walked to his car and he drove us to my place. Tonight i would celebrate my birthday with my family. With my family i mean my parents, Kendall and Logan would be there of course.

As we arrived i walked inside and all of them wished me a happy birthday again and hugged me. We were sitting around the table and had dinner. After dinner i was in the kitchen with my Mum and Logan. "(YN), can you help me to clean the kitchen?" my Mum asked. "Mum, Logan and i will clean the kitchen and you'll get some rest." i said. "But-" she was about to say but Logan cut her off "No Mrs. Schmidt. (YN) and i will clean the kitchen. Go and get some rest because you shouldn't do too much." "Thank you guys for caring that much." Mum said. I kissed her cheek and she walked out of the kitchen.

As i was washing the dishes Logan asked "Do you want children?" "What?" i asked. "Do you want children one day?" he asked. I didn't thought that he would ask me that. "I guess i want children one day...What about you?" i asked. "Of course." he said. "Why are you asking?" i asked. "Well...because i really want a child." he said.

Ok, i didn't expect him to say that. I continued  to clean the dishes.

"Is everything alright?" Logan asked. "Y-yes." i said. I finished to clean the kitchen and Logan said "I know that something is wrong, tell me." he said and grabbed one of my hands. I sighed. "Is it because of what i've said?" he asked. "Kinda..." i said.

"Babe, we could wait till you finish school." Logan said. "That would be better." i said.

The truth is that i'm actually scared to have children. I want to make Logan happy so i'll give him what he wants.


Hope you enjoy this. I guess that i'll upload tomorrow. :)

Much Love, Jenny.♡

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