Chapter 12

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I'm sorry that i didn't had time to update yesterday. Anyways, i'm sorry if this chapter is short but i wrote it with my phone. :)

Much Love, Jenny.


*2 days later*

It was monday and i was getting ready for school. I got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans and i put on a lights green tank top and white chucks. I walked to school and as i arrived i saw Logan standing at his car. "Hey." i said and walked up to him. "Hey." he said and looked to the ground.  "What's wrong?" i asked. "Mr. Smith wants to talk to us." Logan said. Mr. Smith is the Principal of our school. "I bet that Josh told him that we both are together." i said. He nodded. We walked to the building and i saw Josh looking at me and he smirked. "Wait a minute." i said to Logan and walked to Josh. "Hey (YN)." Josh said and smirked. "You told Mr. Smith that Logan and i are together?!" i asked. "Maybe." Josh said. "Listen you little shit. We told you to not do it! They'll fire Logan and they'll kick me off of school. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!" i said angry. "Kinda." he said and laughed and i slapped him through the face. He didn't expect it so he just looked at me shocked.

"Babe let's go." Logan whispered in my ear. I nodded and we walked to Mr. Smiths Office. Logan knocked on the door and Mr. Smith said "Come in."

We walked inside and Mr. Smith looked pissed. Logan wrapped his arm around my waist because he noticed that i was scared. 

"Let go of her." Mr. Smith said. Logan let go of me and Mr. Smith looked at us and shook his head.

"This never happened before." Mr. Smith said "I bet you know what's going to happen next." We nodded and Mr. Smith said "Actually we would fire Mr. Henderson and we would kick (YN) off of school but we wont." "What are you going to do then?" i asked. "You both can stay at school if you promise me to not be together anymore." he said. "But we can't hide our feelings." i said. "(YN), that's the only way that you both can stay at school." he said. "But-" i started to say but Logan cut me of "(YN), it's better for you. You need to focus on school because if you want to be a teacher you need to have good grades." "Logan but i need you." i said and a tear rolled down my cheek. He kissed the tear away and put his hands on my cheeks. He looked me in the eyes and said "I need you too but it's better if we both break up because we can't be together or they'll kick you off of school and i don't want this to happen." "They can kick me off of school i don't care. Logan you're more important to me than my life. I love you so much." i said and tears started to stream down my face. Logan hugged me tight and i started to sob. "Babe, you need to finish school." Logan said. He looked at me and said "We can still be together when you finish school." "But i can't wait that long." i said. "I know that it will be hard." he said. "So that's it?" i asked. He nodded. "Can i get one last kiss?" he asked. I nodded and looked in his eyes and he leaned in and kissed me soft. We pulled away after a few seconds and Mr. Smith asked "Are you done?" "Yeah..." Logan said. "So. What are you waiting for? Go to your classes." Mr. Smith said. We left the office and walked to the classroom.

*A few days later*

The last time i went to school was 3 days ago. I can't go to school because if i see Logan i'll break down. The last 3 days i was crying all the time. I miss Logan so much. Today i decided to take a shower because the last time i took a shower was 4 days ago, ugh. I took a shower and put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I put my hair in a messy bun. I looked horrible. I had dark circles under my eyes because i didn't get much sleep. As i looked at myself in the mirror i heard the doorbell. I walked downstairs and opened the door and Logan stood there.

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