Chapter 20

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*Next Day*

I woke up and stood up. I walked in the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got dressed into a pair of jeans and a sweater.

As i finished to put my make up on i walked downstairs and had breakfast.

"Morning Sis." Kendall said as he walked downstairs. "Morning." i said. Kendall kissed my forehead and i cleaned my dishes and said "So, i'll go to school, bro. I'll see you later." "See you soon baby sis." he said.

I left and drove to school. As i arrived i saw Logan waiting outside of the building. I came earlier that means that no one's here yet. I walked up to Logan and he asked "How are my babies?" "Fine." i said and smiled. He peck my lips and we walked inside. I was glad that my first class was History and that i could be with Logan. We walked inside the classroom and he sat down at a chair and he pulled me on his lap. I smiled and he kissed my cheek and said "You're my life. I love you so much." "I love you so much more." i said and kissed him.

A few hours later school was over and Logan and i went to eat Lunch. After that we went to the park. We spend a few hours there. We were sitting on a bench and were holding hands. "Wanna walk a bit?" Logan asked. I nodded and we stood up and we walked around the park. We stopped walking and watched the sunset.

"It's so beautiful." Logan said. "Yes, it is." i said. "But not as beautiful as you." he said and kissed me. I kissed him back and as we pulled away he got down on one knee.

I was shocked.

"I know that we're not together since that long but that doesn't matter that i love you so much. I love you more than anyone else. You're the reason for my smile. I want to stay by your side forever. You make me happy. (YN), i love you so much. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asked.

"Yes, yes i will." i said and cried because of happiness. He pulled out a ring and slipped it on my finger.

He pulled me in for a tight hug and i kissed him passionately. He kissed me back and as he pulled away he said "Thank you. You made me the happiest man alive." "I love you." i said and i was still crying because of happiness. 

"Baby, i love you more." he said and kissed my cheek. "Can you stay at my place tonight?" i asked. "Of course Baby." he said. We made our way back to my place. We walked inside and Kendall said "Congrats." "Thank you. But how do you know that we got engaged?" i asked. "Logan asked me if it's ok for me if he proposes to you." he said "And i was sure that you say yes." I smiled and hugged Kendall quickly.

"Logan will stay over tonight." i said. "I'm ok with that." Kendall said. "Good." i said. "I'll get you two when Dinner is ready." Kendall said. "Thanks bro." i said and made my way upstairs with Logan.

We laid down on my bed and Logan asked "Would you like to move in with me?" "S-sure." i said. I was a little shocked because i didn't expect him to ask me that. "Don't worry. I already asked Kendall if it's ok if you move in with me." he said. I smiled and we shared a soft kiss. 

Logan and i talked some more and after like 20 minutes someone knocked on the door. "Come in." i said. "Guys, Dinner is ready." Kendall said as he opened the door. "Okay." i said. We got up and walked downstairs. We had Dinner and after that we went upstairs again.

"What would you like to do?" Logan asked. "I don't know Baby." i said.

We were quiet for a few minutes. "Can i ask you something?" i asked. "Sure." Logan said. He looked at me and i asked "When will i move in your place?" "I didn't think about it yet. What about Saturday?" he said. "Of course." i said.

He kissed me and as we pulled away i yawned. "We should get some sleep." he said. I nodded and i said "I will get you some clothes of Kendall." I got up and walked to Kendalls room and grabbed a tank top and a pair of sweats. I walked back in my room and he laid in my bed and his eyes were closed. I threw the clothes at him and he opened his eyes. He laughed a little and i laughed too. He got changed in front of me and i was watching him. I hope that he didn't notice. As he finished i walked in my bathroom and changed there.

As i finished i walked back in my bedroom and laid next to Logan.

"Night babies." Logan said and kissed my forehead. "Night." i said and closed my eyes.

I feel asleep right after that.


Sorry that it took me so long to update. I know that it's not much and that it kinda sucks but hey it's something. Sorry if there are mistakes in it but i finished to write this chapter with my phone as i went to school this morning. :)

I'll try to update later today.   :*

Much Love, Jenny.♡

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