Chapter 13

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"W-what are you doing here?" i asked. "I wanted to see you." he said. "Why?" i asked. "Because you weren't at school and i've been worried." he said. "Oh, uhm...i'm fine." i said "I'll go to school again tomorrow." "Great." he said. There was an awkward silence between us so i said "So...i'll see you tomorrow." "Yeah...Bye (YN)." he said and left. I closed the door and leaned against it. I want Logan back. I miss him so much. I started to cry and i heard footsteps and suddenly Kendall stood in front of me. "Hey, baby girl. What's wrong?" he asked and hugged me tight. "You know what happened between me and Logan, right?" i asked. "Yes." he said and i sobbed. "Logan was here a few minutes ago." i said and cried. He is still hugging me and he said "(YN) everything will be alright again. I promise." I let go of him and i asked "Really?" "Yes." he said and kissed my forehead. I smiled a little bit and he said "I love you." "I love you too, bro." i said. We walked in the kitchen and made Lunch. After we finished cooking we had lunch and later we went to the beach. I sat on my towel and Kendall was in the water. After a few minutes i saw Logan at the beach with his family. They must have visited him. He noticed me and we looked at each other. A tear rolled down my cheek and i quickly looked away. 

Suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned around and i saw Jeff standing there. "Hey Sweetheart." Jeff said. "Hey." i said. "Why aren't you with Logan?" he asked. "The principal of our school found out that Logan and i were together so we had to break up..." i said and looked at the ground. Jeff sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him and he said "I bet that everything will be alright between you two. Logan loves you too much to give up on your relationship." "I hope that you're right." i said. "I'm right." he said. I smiled a little bit and Kendall walked up to us and asked me "Who's this?" "Logans Dad." i said "Kendall this is Jeff. Jeff this is Kendall, my brother." "Nice to meet you." Jeff said and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too." Kendall said. Pam, Presley and Logan walked over. I gave all of them a hug except Logan. I just smiled at him a little and he smiled back at me. We spend the rest of the day at the beach. As it was 5 pm we left. As we arrived at home i took a shower and got dressed in my pjs and laid down. I closed my eyes and thought about Logan and i started to fall asleep. 

*Next Day*

I woke up around 6:30 am and i got dressed into a black tanktop black skinny jeans and i decided to wear black high heels. I curled my hair and put some make up on.

I walked downstairs and had breakfast quick. I looked at the clock and grabbed my bag for school and left. I arrived and walked to my first lesson. 

The time went by fast and it was already time for Lunch. I walked to the cafeteria and sat down at a table where Gina, Gloria, Kathi and Fatma are. 

"Hey (YN)." Gloria said as i sat next to her. "Where have you been? We were so worried about you." Fatma said. "I was sick." i lied. "Oh come on (YN). You're lying." Gina said. "No, i'm not." i said and looked at my food. "Tell us what really happened." Kathi said. "Okay okay." i said. They all looked at me and i said "Well, Mr. Henderson and me...we were in a relationship. Everything was fine but then i went to Texas to meet his Parents. His parents and his sister loved me and we went to the beach and Josh saw Logan and me. Josh has been in Texas beause he was visiting his grandparents. On monday Mr. Smith wanted to talk to us but before we went to his office i talked to Josh and asked him if he told Mr. Smith about Logan and me and he said yes. So we had to break up so they wouldn't kick me off of school and that they didn't fire Logan and now i'm depressed." Gloria hugged me and said "I bet that you and Logan will be together soon." We ate and Lunch was over quick. I grabbed my bag and walked to my next class. 

I sat in History class and just stared at my table. I didn't even notice that the class was over until Logan snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood up and opened the door. I closed it again and turned around. Logan looked at me a little confused. I let my bag fall to the floor and i walked to Logan and pressed my lips against his. He held some papers in his hand but let go of them and they fell to the floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck. I missed the feeling of his lips against mine. As we pulled away he looked in my eyes and said "I missed to kiss you." "Same here. I miss you so much by my side." i said and looked to the ground. He lifted my chin up so i was looking at him. I was looking at him and he kissed me passionately. We pulled away after a few seconds and i asked "Would you like to come to my place?" "Sure." he said. We walked to his car and he drove to my place. We arrived and i walked inside my house. "Hi Kendall." i said. "Hey, Honey." he said. He was in the living room and watched tv. Kendall looked up at me and noticed Logan. "I told you that everything will be alright again." he said. I nodded and said "Yes, you've been right." We sat down next to Kendall and watched TV for almost an hour but then i heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it. Josh was standing there. "What are you doing here?" i asked. "You know that i live at the end of the street so i was on my way home and i noticed Mr. Hendersons car in your drive way." he said. "And?" i asked. "I think Mr. Smith would love to know that you two are still dating." he said. "Josh, shut the fuck up. If you're going to tell Mr. Smith something about me and Logan i'll kick your ass." i said. "How can you kick my ass?" he asked and laughed. "I'll show you." i said. I was getting angry so i pushed him hard and he fell to the floor. I sat on his stomach and started to slap him really hard. Josh tried to slap me too but i grabbed both of his wrists and held them above his head. "So, are you going to tell Mr. Smith about me and Logan now?" i asked. "I wont if you let go of me right now." Josh said. I let go of him and stood up. I walked up to my house and as i looked at Josh he was still on the floor. I walked inside and closed the door and Kendall and Logan stood in the hallway. "What was going on?" Kendall asked. "Josh knew that Logan's here so he told me that he wanted to tell Mr. Smith about me and Logan again so i told him that i'll kick his ass if he'll tell him about us. He asked me how i will kick his ass and he laughed and i started to get angry so i pushed him and he fell to the floor and i slapped him. After a few minutes he gave up so i let go of him and yeah, that's it." i said. "That's my girl." Logan said and laughed a little. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head. I smiled wide. I'm really happy that i've Logan back.


I hope you enjoy this Chapter. I don't know if i've time to update tomorrow because school starts again. Ugh, anyways this isn't the best Chapter so i'm sorry if it sucks.

Much Love, Jenny.♥

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