Chapter 25 (Last Chapter)

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thank you all for over 3K reads. i'm hope that you enjoyed to read this book because i really enjoyed to write it. :)
please tell me if i should continue to write stories.
if i get no comments i will just stop to post stories on here.
sorry that it's short i just really wanted to end this book.

After some hours we were back at home again. Right now i'm cooking dinner. Suddenly i feel 2 strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Babe?" Logan asked. "Yeah?" i asked looking at him quickly. "Did you think about it?" he asked. "Think about what?" i asked. "Us having another child." he said.

"I did think about it." i said. "And?" he asked. "Maybe we can have another one." i said. "Maybe?" Logan asked. "Yeah, i mean, can we handle another one?" i asked. "I think." Logan said. "Then, let's have another one." i said.

"YES!" Logan yelled. I laughed and he hugged me really tight.

*1 year later*

Well, Logan and i worked on having another child and today i'm 4 months pregnant.

It has been a month since i told Logan and Noah that i'm pregnant. Logan's happy about it but Noah doesn't seem happy.

I was in the kitchen making Lunch and Logan walked up to me and kissed my cheek and said "This smells amazing."

"Thanks?" i askes and giggled "Can you go upstairs and tell Noah that Lunch is ready?"

"Sure baby." Logan said, pecked my lips and walked upstairs.

A few minutes later, Logan walked back downstairs without Noah.

"Where is he?" i asked. "He said he wasn't hungry." Logan said.

I sighed and Logan and i had Lunch.

As i finished to eat, Logan and i cleaned the kitchen and i went upstairs to Noahs room.

I knocked on his door and i heard him say "Come in."

I walked in his room and saw him sitting on his bed and his eyes were red and puffy. He cried.

"Hey, why are you crying?" i asked and sat down next to him. I don't like to see him like that. I think no mother wants to see her child cry.

"It's nothing important." he said. "It has to be something important if you cry." i said and pulled him in my lap.

"Mummy..." he said and sighed. "What's wrong baby?" i said and kissed the top of his head.

I'm really worried about him. I don't want him to be sad.

"I'm just scared that you and daddy will forget about me." he whispered.

"Noah, we will never forget about you. Just because we are going to have another child doesn't mean that we will forget you. That will never happen!" i said and looked at him.

"I'm sorry mummy but i just started to get jealous..." he said.

"It's fine baby." i said and kissed his cheek "Wanna watch a movie with Daddy?"

"Of course." he said and got out of my lap and started to run downstairs.

I walked after him and he jumped on top of Logan who was lying on the couch. I smiled.

"Noah and I wanted to watch a movie with you." i said. "Let's do that." Logan said. "What movie do you two want to watch?" i asked. "Batman." both of them said at the same time. "Right. You both love Batman. Why did i even ask?" i said and laughed.

I put the movie in the DVD Player and walked back to the couch and sat down next to both of them. I started the movie.

After the movie Noah went to bed and Logan and I watched TV. Logan had his arm wrapped around  my hip.

We watched the news and we suddenly saw us on TV.

They started rumors and they said that i cheated on Logan. Gosh, why can't they just shut up. They should tell the truth instead of starting rumors. 

*Another year later*

Logan and i couldn't be any happier. We've two amazing children and are married.

Today it was Noahs birthday and our parents where at our place.

"(YN), i never thought that i would fall in love with one of my students but look at me now. I always thought that I can't love you but it was impossible to not love you. You're my everything." Logan said.

"I love you." i said and kissed Logan.

My Life is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

...THE END...

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