Chapter 23

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*Next Day*

I woke up before Logan and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I made pancakes and Bacon. As i finished to make breakfast i heard a loud noise from the bedroom. 

I run to the bedroom to see what happened. As i run into the room i saw Logan on the floor. 

He groaned.

"What happened?" i asked. "I feel out of the bed." he said. "Are you ok?" i asked. "I'm fine." he said. As he stood up straight he groaned again. "Logan, i'm sure that you're not fine." i said. "Baby, don't worry." he said. 

"Okay. Let's go to the kitchen i made breakfast." i said. He nodded and we made our way to the kitchen and we sat down. After breakfast i stood up to clean the dishes. Logan was still sitting on his chair and he was watching me. 

I finished and asked "Why didn't you get ready?" "I don't know to be honest." he said. 

I looked at him and saw that he lied. "Don't lie to me." i said. "Okay, i didn't got up because my back hurts." he said. I sighed and said "I know that something was wrong." "Sorry babe." he said and sighed. "It's fine. Maybe a hot bath will help." i said. 

"Stay here." i said and made my way to the bathroom. A few minutes later there was enough water in the bathtub. I walked back to the kichen where Logan was sitting. 

"Come on." i said. He got up and i saw at his facial expression that it wasn't easy for him to get up because of his back. 

We walked in the bathroom and i said "So, enjoy."

I walked out of the bathroom but Logan grabbed my wrist and asked "Join me?" "Okay, if you want to." 

I smiled a little bit and we got undressed and he got in the bathtub first. I joined him and he wrapped his arms around me. After a few minutes i asked "How does your back feel?" "A little bit better." he answered. "Great." i said. He kissed my cheek and i said "I'll give you a massage later." "Can't wait." he said and kissed my neck. I smiled and after a few more minutes we got out of the bathtub and wrapped towels around us. 

I grabbed some clothes out of the closet and said "You can get dressed and lay down on the bed. I will be there in a minute."

"Sure babe." he said. I walked in the bathroom and put shorts on and a tank top. I grabbed some lotion and walked back in the bedroom.

Logan was already on the bed and his shirt laid next to him. I walked to the bed and sat down next to him. 

"Ready?" i asked. "Yeah." he said. I sat on him and put some lotion on his back. I started to massage his back and he closed his eyes.

"How does it feel?" i asked. "Amazing." he moaned. I smirked.

After a few more minutes he turned around so i laid on the bed and he climbed on top of me.

"I can't take it anymore." he said and kissed me sloppy and i kissed back.

I could already feel his hard member pressing against my tight.

Quickly he rips my shirt from my body with my bra and my shorts down my legs.

Teasingly he puts a hand on my stomach and let his hand glide up to my breast and rest it there. 

He leans down and starts to suck my neck.

He strips his own shirt and pants until he is fully naked. I can see that he is fully erect. He pulls down my underwear.

Without hesitation he rams himself in me and let's out a moan. I cry out a bit in pain since he didn’t give m time to adjust his size but it quickly turns into pleasure as he pulls out and slams back in.

"Fuck Logan." i moan as he hits my sweet spot. He gorans.

"Shit baby please. Faster." i cry out.

He do as i told him and i look at his face. I always love the face he is doing when he enjoys every part of me but also himself.I noticed that starts to shake what means he isn't far from his release either. I throw my head back and close my eyes as he brings me over the edge. Seconds later i feel him release in me and he falls on top of me.

After we catched our breaths he pulled out of me and laid down next to me.

"Damn." i said "That was Perfect." "I agree." Logan said and smirked.

He pulled the covers over us and i closed my eyes to take a nap.

After that i feel asleep quickly...


Sorry that i didn't update that quick. I feel really bad about not updating. :/
Anyways, i hope that you will enjoy this Chapter.
I try to update as quick as i can. :)

Much Love, Jenny ♡

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