Chapter 6

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*Next Day*

I woke up and i looked at the clock and i saw that i was late. I stood up and run in the bathroom and took a quick shower and got dressed. 

I walked downstairs and grabbed an apple and run out of the house. As i arrived at school and it was 8 am. Fuck, i'm a half hour late. My first class was Maths, great. I walked up to the classroom and walked inside. "Oh (YN), good morning." Logan said sarcastically. "Mr. Henderson, i'm so sorry that i'm late." i said. "Detention after school." he said harsh. "WHAT?" i yelled. He continued to teach and i sat down at my place. The lesson ended quickly and i was the last one who left the room. "(YN)?" Logan said. I ignored him and slammed the door shut. The rest of the day went by really quick. After school everyone left and i walked around for a few minutes and then i saw Logan. "Come with me." he said as he walked up to me. I rolled my eyes and he walked to a classroom and opened the door. "Ladies first." he said. "Fuck you." i said and walked inside. "What was that?" he asked and walked behind me. "Nothing." i said. He sat down and pulled me on his lap. I stood up and he looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" he asked. "You gave me detention because i was late! It was the first time that i was late!" i said pissed. "Baby Girl i just want to spend more time with you." he said. "Uhm, then you could've asked me if i could come to your apartment or something like that." i said. "True." he said. I sighed and he pulled me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist. He started to kiss my neck. He moved my hair to one side so he has more space to kiss my neck. "Logan." i sighed. "Hmm?" he asked. "Could you please stop." i said. "Babe, relax." he said. "But Logan-" i said but he pressed his lips on mine. I pulled away and he stood up and locked the door of the classroom. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" i asked. He nodded and winked at me. He walked up to me and lifted me up and sat me down on the teachers desk. He kissed me and i wrapped my legs around his waist. Suddenly my phone started to ring and Logan looked at me and said "No phones at school." "Are you serious?" i asked. He started to laugh and said "No." I rolled my eyes and i grabbed my phone and saw that Kendall was calling. I picked up and said "Hello?" "Hey (YN). Where are you? School's already over." he said. "Detention." i said. "What did you do?" he asked. "I was 30 minutes too late." i said. "Oh Baby Sis..." he said. "Sorry." i said. "Who gave you Detention?" he asked. "Henderson." i said. "(YN)." he sighed. "What?" i asked. "He's not going to touch you. If he will i'll kick his freaking ass." he said. Logans hand wandered under my shirt and i let out a soft moan because of his warm hand. "What the hell is going on?" Kendall asked. "N-nothing." i said. "But you moaned! Oh...i know what's going on! I'll come and pick you up young lady!" Kendall said pissed and hung up. "Logan-" i said but he cut me off with a kiss. I pushed him away and i said "Logan, Kendall know what's going on. He'll come and pick me up. He said if you touch me he'll kick your ass." "Don't worry the door is locked and we still have some time." he said and unbuttoned my jeans and i did the same with his. I kissed his neck and sucked on his sweet spot behind his ear and he groaned. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and i heard someone say "Open this freaking door!" It was Kendall. I looked at the door and Logan looked at me and said "Keep calm." I nodded and he kneeled in front of me and started to kiss my inner tigh. "OPEN. THE. DOOR!" Kendall yelled. "Logan, someone will notice Kendalls yelling!" i said. "No. Everybody already left. We're the only ones here." Logan said. Suddenly we heard a loud bang and Logan looked up. Kendall stood in the room. "What the fuck." i muttered. I stood up and put my jeans on and Logan did the same. Kendall walked up to Logan and pushed him against the wall. "Kendall-" i tried to say and tried to hold him back but he was too strong. Kendall punched Logan hard in the jaw and Logan fell to the ground. Kendall started to punch Logan like crazy. Logan was on the floor and he had no chance to punch Kendall. "KENDALL STOP!" i screamed. Kendall finally stopped and walked away from Logan. Logan still laid on the ground and his nose was bleeding. "KENDALL LEAVE!" i yelled "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!" Kendall looked at me a little bit shocked but left. 

"Let's get you home." i said. I helped him to stand up and we walked out of the school building. We made our way to his apartment and as we arrived i laid him down on the couch and said "I'll be right back." I said and searched for his bathroom. I found it and grabbed some things to clean his wounds. I walked downstairs and kneeled in front of him. I finished to clean his wounds. He had a black eye and a bruise on his lip. He sat up and i sat down next to him. "I'm so sorry." i said. "You don't need to be sorry." he said. "But i am." i said. He hugged me and said "Babe, it's not your fault." he said. I sighed and he slowly leaned in and he kissed me. As soon as his lips met mine he hissed. I pulled away and said "We shouldn't kiss each other until your lip is better." i said. He smiled a little bit and i said "I actually don't want to go home and see Kendall." "You could sleep here." he said. "Really?" i asked. "Of course babe." he said. "Thank you." i said and peck his cheek.


I hope you enjoy reading this story. I hope that more people will start to read it. Anyways, the next part will be up tomorrow. :)

Much Love, Jenny

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