Chapter 10

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I screamed. I looked at the person who was standing there. I noticed that it was Logan. I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel who was next to the shower and wrapped it around me. "Logan what the hell are you doing?! You scared the shit out of me!" i said and looked at him. "I wanted to join you." he smirked. I rolled my eyes and said "Ok if you want to." He got undressed and i put my towel away and we hopped in the shower. I run my hand with shampoo through his hair and gently lather it up. He does the same with my hair. "Turn around." Logan says. I do as he said and turned my back to him. He squeezed some bath soap onto his hand and runs it over my body, as his hands went over the parts that i enjoyed him touching i let out a moan. He turns me around and pushes me against the wall. Knowing he had just a few minutes he made sure to not tease. He got on his knees and pushed my legs apart and sat under me. He leaned his head up and pushed his tongue in and swirled it around until i was close. When i was close he pulled away and stood back up, his hands went to my waist and he pushed me down to my knees. I looked up at him and saw that he was looking down at me with a huge smile on his face. I smirked and i slowly took him in my mouth and bobbed my head back and forth for a few minutes until he pulled me back up and pushed me against the wall again and wrapped my legs around his waist. In one thrust he pushed himself in. I ran my hand through his hair and grabbed at the hair at the back of his neck. He held onto my hips and started moving in and out at a rapid speed, pushing me up then back down on the wall. A few minutes later we reached our high. After catching our breath we got rinsed off. We got out of the shower and he wrapped a towel around his waist and i wrapped a towel around me. "That was fun." he said and kissed me. I kissed him back and said "Let's just hope that no one heard us." He nodded and he walked out of the bathroom and got dressed. I got dressed into a pink dress with black pumps. I curled my hair and put some make up on

I walked downstairs where all of them were waiting. "Wow, babe you look gorgeous." Logan said and looked at me with wide eyes. "Thank you." i said and smiled at him. "You're so pretty." Jeff said and smiled at me. "Oh, thank you." i said and smiled. "Logan you look amazing." (picture on the right) i said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Thanks Baby." he said and peck my cheek. I smiled and we left the house and arrived at a nice italian Restaurant. We walked inside and a waiter showed us our table. We sat down and order our food. "So, (YN)." Pam said. I looked at her and said "Yeah?" "What do you want to do after school?" she asked. "I always wanted to work as a teacher." i said. Logan looked at me and smiled "Wow, it would be cool if we both work as a teacher." I nodded and Pam said "Logie Bear, you got a good girl." I blushed and looked at my hands. "Aww, look how she's blushing." Jeff said. They laughed and i giggled. After we talked some more we got our food and started to eat. After we finished eating his dad paid for the food and we left. As we arrived at home Presley went to bed because it was starting to get late. "Logan, i'm going to bed i'm tired." i said. "Okay babe. I love you." he said. I smiled and said "I love you too." It was the first time that we said 'I Love You' to each other. He kissed me and after a few seconds we pulled away. "Good night." i said and smiled. "Good night." all of them said. I walked upstairs to the guest room and as i walked past Presley's room i heard crying. I knocked on the door and she said "Come in." I slowly opened the door and as she saw me she wiped her tears away. "Presley i know that you cried." i said and closed the door behind me. I sat down next to her on her bed and hugged her and she started to cry again. It was heartbreaking to see her cry. As she calmed down i grabbed her hand and asked "Sweetie, what's wrong?" "I miss Logan...a lot. I'm so sad that he'll leave on Sunday." she said. "I know how you feel honey but it's only Friday night. You can spend time with him tomorrow and i can talk to Logan and tell him that he should visit you more often." i said. "Really?" she asked. "Yes!" i said and smiled. "Thank you." she said and hugged me. I hugged her and we continued to talk for a half hour. She yawned and i said "Okay i think it's time to go to sleep." "Yeah." she said and smiled. "Sweet Dreams." i said. "Sweet Dreams." she said and i walked out of the room. As i walked inside the guest room Logan laid in the bed. "Oh hey babe." i said. "I thought that you wanted to sleep." he said. "Yeah, i wanted to sleep but as i walked past Presley's room i heard her crying." i said. He sat up and looked worried. "Why was she crying?" he asked. "She's sad that you will leave on Sunday." i said. He pulled he on his lap and he said "I know that it's not easy for her. I miss her a lot when i'm in LA." "Visit her and your Parents more often." i said. "Yes i should do that." he said. "Good." i said and peck his lips. We both got dressed in our pjs and laid down. He pulled the covers over us and we cuddled. "What are we going to do tomorrow?" i asked. "We're going to the beach." he said. "Great." i said and smiled. I yawned and Logan said "Princess it's time to sleep." I nodded and we shared a sweet kiss and i fell asleep.


I hope you enjoy reading. Maybe i'm going to post a new Chapter later but i'm not sure yet. 

Thank you all for reading. :)

Much Love, Jenny.♥

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