Chapter 7

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Hey, i just want to tell you that this part is a little dirty so if you don't like it then don't read it. Oh and i'm sorry that i  said that would post a part yesterday but i didn't had time because i was at my aunts place and i came home late. Please tell me if i should continue to write this story. Anyways here's part 7 :)


I looked at Logan and his wounds didn't look good. "Babe?" i asked. He looked at me and said "Yeah." "You can't go to school tomorrow like this." i said and pointed to his face. "But i have to." he said. I shook my head and said "Just call the school and say that you're sick." i said. He looked at me and i said "I'll stay at home too so i can take care of you." i said. "Babe, you've to go to school." he said. "But i will take care of you." i said "I'll call Kendall and tell him that he should call school and tell them that i'm sick." "Babe-" he tried to say but i cut him off "No. You will stay at home and i take care of you." i said. He finally stopped to argue and i called Kendall while Logan called the school. 

*Phone Conversation*

Kendall: Hey...

(YN): Kendall, call the school and tell them that i'm sick.

Kendall: No.

(YN): Oh you will.

Kendall: No (YN).

(YN): Kendall, you will call them. That's the only thing you can do after what you did to Logan.

Kendall: *sighs* Ok, i will.

(YN): Thanks. 

Kendall: Will you come home tonight?

(YN): I wont. I will take care of Logan.

Kendall: Oh ok...

(YN): Bye.

*End of Conversation*

As i finished the phone call i walked in the kitchen because Logan was there. "I will go to the mall really quick to buy some food." i said. "Okay Love." he said and kissed my cheek. I walked out of the house and drove to the mall.

40 minutes later i was back at Logans place. I walked inside and i saw that he was sleeping on the couch. I smiled and put the clothes in the bedroom. I looked at the clock and it was 6:30 pm so i made dinner for us. As dinner was finished i walked in the living room to wake Logan up. "Logan. Wake up." i said. He didn't wake up so i shook him lightly. He opened his eyes and as he noticed me he smiled. "Hey Babe." he said. "Hey, dinner is ready." i said. He sat up and asked "You cook?" "Yeah." i said and walked in the kitchen. He followed me and said "Smells good." I smiled and we sat down at the table and ate. As we finished eating i said "I'll clean the kitchen and you will lie down." "But i want to help you." he said. "Logan." i said and gave him a serious look. "Okay okay. I'll lie down." he said. 

After 20 minutes i finished to clean the kitchen so i walked in the living room but Logan wasn't on the couch. I walked to the bedroom and opened the door and he laid in the bed only wearing his boxer briefs. His eyes were closed. I walked to the bed and laid down next to him. I wrapped one arm around his waist and he opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. "What would you like to do?" he asked. "I don't know. You decide." i said. He quickly climbed on top of me and started to kiss my neck. "O-okay that's w-what you want to d-do!" i said and stuttered. Logan doesn't know that i'm a virgin. I started to feel a little uncomfortable and Logan noticed it. "What's wrong baby girl?" he asked and looked me in the eyes. "N-nothing." i said. I know that Logan and i made out a few times and that we were close to sleep with each other but i know that he wants to do it and i can't let him wait. "Really?" he asked. I nodded slowly and he took my shirt and my jeans off. He started to kiss from my neck to my chest. I started to breath fast and Logan looked at me."Babe, i think you're not okay." he said and was still on top of me. "I am...i'm just nervous." i said. "Why?" he asked. "I-i'm..." i said. "Go on" he said. "Logan, i'm a virgin." i said. He looked at me and said "Babe, that's ok. I try to not hurt you." "Promise?" i asked. "Yes." he said and kissed me. Wait...."Is your lip better?" i asked. "Yeah." he smirked and unclasped my bra and threw it behind him. He kissed my breasts and sucked on my right nipple. After he's finished with the righ he sucked on the left one and i moaned. He pulled my panties off and also threw them behind him. He started to kiss my inner thigh. He slips a few fingers in me and pumps them and i gasped because of the pain. A tear rolled down my cheek and he kissed it away. "Babe everythings okay." he said. After a few more pumps it didn't hurt anymore. He pulled his fingers out of me and he kissed me. He put his boxers off and threw them to the ground. Oh gosh he's huge. He kissed me again and then he slides into my slowly. "LOGAN!" i yelled. "Babe, i'm sorry if i hurt you." he whispered in my ear. "You can move." i said. He started to move and the pleasure was amazing and i moaned. He thrusts into me and he groaned "(YN), you're so tight." "Fasterrr." i moaned and he went faster and faster. "I-i'm so close." i moaned. "Same here." he groaned. He started to rub my clit and that send me over the edge. We both reached our climax and he collapsed on top of me. After we catched our breaths he laid next to me and pulled the blankets over us. He wrapped his arms around me protectively and i laid my head on his chest. "That was amazing." i said. "I agree." he said and kissed my forehead. "Babe we should sleep it's late." he said. I nodded and closed my eyes. 

*Next Day*

I woke up and opened my eyes and Logan isn't next to me. I looked at the clock and it was 8am. I stood up and walked in the bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and i put on a t shirt of Logan. I walked downstairs and saw that Logan was in the kitchen. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Morning." i said. "Morning." he said and turned around and his black eye looked terrible. I bet i looked shocked because Logan looked at me and asked "Baby what's wrong?" He looked worried and i said "Your eye. I-it looks terrible." "Oh, i know." he said "Anyways, i made breakfast." We sat down at the table and we ate. After that we cleaned the kitchen and went to the living room and sat down and watched a movie. It was a scary movie and i suddenly screamed and Logan jumped. "Oh god, you scared the shit out of me." "I'm so sorry." i said. "It's okay babe." he said. He wrapped his arms around me. I could stay like that forever. I just hope that no one will find out that Logan and i are together. He would lose his job and they would kick me out of school. I just hope that no one will find it out. 

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