Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6 am because my phone buzzed. I got text from Logan and it said "Come to school a half hour earlier. Meet me in front of the school building." I stood up and got dressed into a ligh blue tank top, shorts and black chucks. I did my hair and put some make up on.
I walked downstairs and ate some cereals. After i finished eating i made my way to school and i walked up to the building and Logan was already waiting. (Picture on the left)
"Morning." he said and hugged me quick. "Good Morning." i said and hugged him back. We walked inside and walked to the cafeteria. He sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "(YN), you know that we can't be together. I'm your teacher." he said. "I know, Logan. But...but i really like you." i said and looked in his eyes. "And i really like you too." he said. I sighed and he said "We could try to be together but we need to be careful." he said. "Yes..." i said. "So, do you want to try it?" he asked. "I would love to try it." i said. He smiled at me and he pulled me in for a sweet kiss. I kissed him back. I pulled away and we smiled at each other. "You should go to your class." he said after he looked at the clock. "Yeah." i said. "Should we meet again today?" he asked. "Of course." i said. "I'll come to your house." he said. "Okay." i said and smiled. "See you later Babe." he said and kissed me. I kissed him back and as we pulled away someone walked in the cafeteria. "Did we get caught?" he asked. I shook my head and stood up. I walked to my first class and sat down. I can't stop thinking about Logan. The class ended quickly. I can't wait for the lesson before Lunch because Logan was my teacher. 

*An hour later*
I sat in Logans class and i couldn't focus on what he was saying i was just watching him. "(YN)?" he asked. "Huh?" i asked. "Focus on the lesson." he said serious. "Sorry." i said. After the lesson i walked to the door and Logan said "(YN), i need to talk to you." I waited till everybody left. I closed the door and i said "What is it?" "I know that it's really hard to listen to what i'm saying in class but you really need to focus on the lessons." he said and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry but i can't stop looking at you. You're too good looking." i said. He blushed a little and smiled. "Babe please. It's your last year of school and you need to get good grades." he said. "Okay okay." i said and smiled. I kissed him passionately and he kissed me back. He pushed me against the door and i wrapped my legs around his waist. He still kissed me put we pulled away as we heard a knock on the door. The door opened and Gloria was standing there. "(YN), i was worried about you because you weren't in the cafeteria." she said. "I'm sorry. Mr. Henderson wanted to talk." i said. "You're free to go." Logan said. "Bye." Gloria and me said. We walked to the cafeteria and sat down at a table. "What's going on between you and Mr. Henderson?" she asked. "Nothing." i said and started to eat. "Oh come on (YN). You can't lie to me. I know that something happened between the two of you." She said. "Nothing is going on between me and Mr. Henderson!" i said annoyed. She knew that i was lying but i just don't want to tell her the truth because she'll tell the others and then everyone will know that Logan and i are together. 
*A few hours later*
I was at home and did my homework. Someone knocked at my door and i said "Come in." "Someone's here to see you." Kendall said. I walked downstairs and Logan was there. "Hey." i said. "Hey." he smiled at me. I grabbed his hand and we walked upstairs. We sat down at the bed and i grabbed my homework and continued to do it. I finished my chemistry homework and continued with my history homework. I tried to do it but i failed. I let out a sigh and Logan asked "Babe can i help you?" "I'll try to do it on my own." i said. After 10 minutes i still didn't finish my homework and i guess Logan started to get bored bc he started to kiss my neck. "Logan." i said. "Hmm?" he grumbled. "I need to finish my history homework or my teacher will kill me." i said and smirked. "I guess he wont." he said against my neck and i felt that he smirked. He put my homework away and he laid down and pulled me down next to him. "Logan, i really need to finish it!" i said. "Later." he said "I just want to spend some time with you." "Okay okay." i said and rolled my eyes. He pulled me close to him and i closed me eyes. He started to kiss my neck and my shoulders. I bite my lip and he climbed on top of me. He sucked my on my neck and left a love bite. I let out a soft moan and he smirked against my neck. He moved his hand under my shirt and kissed me. I kissed him back and his hand moved closer to my breasts but suddenly the door opened. We pulled away and saw Kendall in the doorway. 
"What the fuck are you doing?" Kendall said and raised his voice. "LOGAN, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" Kendall yelled. "But-" i said. "SHUT UP!!" Kendall yelled. Logan climbed off of me and walked out of my room. As soon as he left i walked downstairs. "Kendall, why did you have to kick him out?" i asked angry. "He isn't allowed to touch you!" he said pissed. "Kendall i'm not 10 anymore!" i said angry. "I know." he said and looked to the ground "I just don't want that you get hurt." "Kendall, Logan will never hurt me!" i said "Why can't you trust him?" "Because of High School. He flirted with every girl!" Kendall said. "But he isn't in High School anymore! I bet that he changed!" i said and walked up to my room. I sat down at my bed and started to do my homework again. 
Kendall really needs to trust me and he should stop to think that Logan is like he has been in High School.


The next Part will be up tomorrow. I hope you enjoy reading 'I Can't Love You' :)

Much Love, Jenny.♥

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