Chapter 22

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*Next Day*

(Sorry that i didn't wrote something about the wedding but i'm not good about writing stuff like that :D)

I woke up and looked to my side to see Logan next to me. I smiled. Now i'm officially Mrs. Henderson.

Logan slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me, smiled and said "Morning Mrs. Henderson." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Morning Mr. Henderson." i said and smiled. "Babe in 3 hours we're leaving for our honeymoon." Logan said. "What? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I didn't had time to pack my clothes." I said getting up. "Babe, come back to bed. I alredy packed your stuff." Logan said. "When?" i asked. "I'm not gonna tell you because it's not important." Logan said and i laid back down. He pulled me close to him and i closed my eyes again.

A few hours later i woke up as i heard someone say my name. I opened my eyes and saw Logan. 

"Babe it's time to get ready. We're leaving in a half hour." he said. I stood up and walked in the bathroom. I took a quick shower. After the shower i put on a pair of  jeans and a sweatshirt. I dried my hair and put them in a ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom and expected Logan to be there but he wasn't.

I heard noises from downstairs. I got curious and made my way downstairs.

I saw Logan in the living room and he had Noah in his arms. As i walked closer to the living room i noticed his parents. 

"Hey." i said. "Hey Honey." Pam said. "Babe, are you ready to say goodbye to Noah?" Logan asked. "I think." i said. Logan handed me Noah.

"Hey Baby Boy. Your Daddy and I are going to leave for a few days but Grandma & Grandpa will take care of you. I love you so much and we'll be back in a few days." i whispered in Noahs ear. I handed Noah to Pam and she smiled and said "Have fun at your Honeymoon." "We will." Logan said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We said bye to both of them and went to the airport. We catched our flight and after 5 hours we arrived in Maui.

I can't believe we're spening our honeymoon here. 

We grabbed our luggage and we got in the car that Logan rented. 

We arrived and Logan and i got the key to our room and we walked inside. (Pic of the room is at the right.)

It was stunning. I can't believe that we're staying here. 

"Wow." i said shocked. "You like it?" he asked. "Yes, i do!" i said and smiled. I hugged him tight and he said "I'm glat that you like it!" 

I laid down on the bed and Logan laid down next to me. "Get ready to go out for Dinner tonight." Logan said. "Okay." i said. 

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. As i finished the shower i got dressed into a black dress that stopped above my knee. I curled my hair and put some make up on. 

As i walked out of the bathroom i saw Logan wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white buttoned up shirt. 

"Babe, you look flawless." he said. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." i said. He smiled, grabbed my hand and we went to  a nice restaurant. After Dinner we went back to our room. As we went back inside i was pushed up against the wall. 

Logan kissed me hard. I kissed him back and as we pulled away he lifted me up and walked to the bed. He laid me down and climbed on top of me. 

"I need you." Logan whispered in my ear. He kissed my neck and opened the zipper of my dress. As he finished to unzip my dress he took it off of me and threw it behind him. I unbuttoned his shit and threw it to the floor. 

Soon all of our clothes were on the floor and he pushed inside me. I gasped. It has been a while since i slept with Logan. 

"You're so tight." Logan growled. He started to move. He moved faster and i moaned. "Fasterrr." i moaned and he went faster. 

"I-i'm close." i said between moans. "Same here baby." Logan said. He moved faster and i climaxed. Logan let out a grunt and collapsed on top of me. 

After a few minutes he pulled out of me and laid down next to me. He pulled me close to him and said "That was amazing. We should do this more often since we're here. Alone." 

He winked at me and i couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, we should do it more often." i said and giggled. 

I saw that he yawned and i said "Baby if you're tired get some rest." "Is it ok for you?" he said and looked me in the eyes. "Just go to sleep it's alright." i said. 

He closed his eyes and i peck his lips. I snuggled into Logans chest, closed my eyes and fell asleep.


So, i'm happy that i had time to write today. Hope you guys enjoy even if it's not the best Chapter that i've written. I know that it's not that much but it's something. :)

By the way, if someone wants a Personal Imagine just ask me. :)

So, i don't know when i will update but i hope that i wont let you guys wait too long. 

Much Love, Jenny. ♥

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