Chapter 18

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After my birthday i only saw Logan at school. I asked him if he could come over or if i should come over and he said that he didn't had time. I was actually confused why he didn't want to hang out with me.

It was friday and i was sitting on my bed and i was doing my homework. My birthday was one week ago.

I couldn't focus on my homework i was thinking about Logan. I decided to go to Logans place to see what's going on.

I walked out of the house and walked to Logans place.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later he opened the door. "Hey." i said. "Hey (YN)." he said and barley looked at me. "Can i come inside?" i asked. "Sure." he said. I walked inside and we sat down on the couch.

"Why didn't you want to hang out with me?" i asked. "I bet you know why. Don't act like you're stupid." he said. "What?" i asked "What the hell are you talking about?" I've no idea what he's talking about.

"You and Josh." he said. "What should be with me and Josh?" i asked. "Oh come one. You're cheating on me with him!" he said. "WHAT?! WHO TOLD YOU THAT?!" i yelled angry. "Everyone's talking about it at school." Logan said. "Geez, Logan i never cheated at you and i never will." i said. "Save it. I don't want to hear it." he said. "What do you mean?" i asked. "We're over." he said.  I was shocked. "B-but i never cheated on you or anything like that." i said. "Sure. Everyone was right" he said. "Logan, believe me! Wait...what do you mean with 'Everyone was right.' " i asked. "They said that you're a heartless bitch and they're right. We are over." he said. "Logan, i'm not a heartless bitch. I gave you my heart!" i said as tears started to stream down my face. "Leave." he said. "I wont." i said and cried.

I don't want to leave. I need him. He's the only one that i love and i will never cheat on him. 

I stood up from the chouch and he stood in front of me. "Get the hell out of my house." he yelled. "B-but-" i tried to say but he cut me off. "No buts! LEAVE."  he yelled in my face. I couldn't hold the tears back. 

I started to sob uncontrollable. I fell to my knees and hugged his legs. "Logan please don't break up with me! You're my everything." He pulled me up to my feet and pushed me out of the house. He pushed me and i fell to the ground. I let out a scream as i landed on the floor. My arm started to hurt so bad. 

I heard the door close. I cried hard. I can't believe that Logan left me because of some bad rumors. 

I stood up and walked to my place. I knocked on the door. Kendall opened it and he saw me standing there holding my arm and crying.

"What happened?" he asked and pulled me in for a hug. He hugged me lightly because of my arm. "Logan heard rumors about me and Josh and he broke up with me." i said and cried. "WHAT?! And what happened to your arm?" Kendall asked upset. "He pushed me." i said. "I'll take you to the Hospital." Kendall said. We got in his car and 10 minutes later we arrived.

We walked inside and Kendall called for a doctor. A doctor walked up to us and took care of my arm.

20 minutes later i could leave the hospital. "So what's wrong with your arm?" Kendall asked as we were driving home.

"It's broken." i said. "Just because Logan pushed you!" Kendall whispered. "Keep calm." i said.

*A few days later*

It was monday and i wasn't in the mood to go to school because i've to see Logan again. I sighed and get up. I got dressed and ate some eggs with bacon.

"Kendall i'll leave for school." i yelled upstairs. "Okay honey. Be careful because of your arm. I'll see you after school. Love you." he yelled from upstairs. "Love you too." i yelled back.

15 minutes later i arrived at school. I walked to my first class which is history.


I have to see the guy who broke my heart. I walked inside the classroom and sat down at my place who was in the first row. Poor me.

I liked to sit in the front as Logan and i still have been together. Logan walked inside and we were the only people in the room.

"Morning." he said. "Morning." i snapped. He looked at me and noticed my arm. "What happened to your arm?"  he asked. "Well, someone decided to push my as he kicked me out of his house." i said angry. "I'm sorry." he said and looked to the ground. "I don't want to hear it." i said.

*5 days later*

It was saturday and i was at home alone. Kendall was on a date with Kathi. I hope that they will come together because they're so cute when they're with each other.

Anyways, i heard a knock on the door and i opened it. Logan stood there.

"What do you want?" i asked. "You." he said. "What do you mean?" i asked. "I want you back. I'm sorry that i hurted you and i'm sorry that i left you. I love you so much and i never stopped loving you. Please take me back." he said.

I looked at him and said "I already forgave you. I love you too and i want you back." i sighed. He walked closer to me and kissed me.

I miss his lips against mine. He wrapped his arms around me and was still kissing me. He closed the door with his foot and lead us to the couch. He threw me on the Couch and climbed on top of me. We both got undressed and he kissed from my lips down to my stomach and i let out a soft moan.

"Ready, babe?" he asked. "Y-yes." i said. He pushed himself into me and didn't move.

"You can move now." i whispered in my ear. He started to thrust into me. I moaned and he groaned and muttered "Fuck." As i started to feel my orgasm raising i bite in Logans neck. He screamed and that send me over the edge.

A few minutes later we both climaxed and he pulled of my and laid down.

After we catched our breaths we got dressed again. "I'm glad to have you back." i said. "Me too." he said and kissed my forhead.

*2 weeks later*

It was saturday and i woke up around 10 am. I didn't feel that good. I took a quick shower and put on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I walked downstairs and eat an apple.

I sat down on the couch and watched TV. I heard Kendall walk downstairs and he said "Morning Sweetie." "Morning." i said. "How did you sleep?" he asked as he sat down next to me. "I slept ok, what about you?" i asked. "I slept fine. What's wrong?" he asked. "My stomach hurts and i feel like i have to throw up." i said. "Poor baby." he said and kissed my cheek. I heard a knock on the door and Kendall stood up and said "I got it."

Kendall walked to the door and a minute later he came back with Logan by his side.

The last week i didn't saw Logan that much but i'm happy that i spend a few days with him.

"Hey Baby." he said and kissed me. I kissed him back and said "Hi." We talked for a few minutes and then i started to feel really sick.

I run up to the bathroom and threw up. I could feel someone rub my back. I brushed my teeth and sighed.

What the hell is wrong with me?


Sorry it took me so long to update. I will post a new chapter in a few days. :)

Much Love, Jenny.

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