Chapter 16

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I woke up as i heard Logan saying my name. "(YN), wake up babe." he said. I opened my eyes and saw him looking down at me. I was in his bed. "How did i get here?" i asked. "I thought that it was better if you sleep in the bed." he said. "Okay." i said and smiled. "Babe, you should get ready to go out for dinner." he said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and got out of the bed. I walked in the bathroom and took a shower. I put on a black tight dress which fit my body perfectly. I straight my hair and put some make up on. I  put on some jewelry. I decided to wear my black high heels. I put them on and walked downstairs. As Logan saw me he smiled really wide. "Babe you look flawless like all of the time." he said. I stood in front of him and grabbed his hand. "Thank you handsome." i said. "It's just the truth." he said. I smiled and said "Let's go." We got in his car and during the drive he grabbed one of my hands. "Logan, you should let go of my hand because you've to drive." i said. "Baby, i'm careful." he said.

10 minutes later we arrived and Logan helped me out of the car. We walked inside and a waiter brought us to our table. We sat down and order our food. After a 15 minutes we got our food and as we were eating i saw Logan looking at me. "What's Up?" i asked. "I'm just thinking." he said. "About what?" i asked. "Us." he said. "What do you mean with us?" i asked. "Our relationship." he said. "Is something wrong with it?" i asked. "Oh god, no." he said "It's just that i never thought that i would find someone who is as perfect as you."

I blushed and looked at my plate.

"Logie, you're the one who's perfect." i said. "Not true, babe." Logan said. "Stop it." i said and smiled. I looked at him and he laughed a little. As we finished eating he paid and we left.

We arrived at home and walked upstairs. We got dressed in our pjs and laid down. He pulled the covers above us and i closed my eyes. He pulled me closer and i fell asleep after a minute...

*Next Day*

I woke up at 7 am. God, it's so early. Then i remembered that my parents will come back today. "Logan?"i whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. He groaned and opened his eyes. "Morning." i said and smiled. "Good Morning." he said. His voice was raspy and geez, that turned me on. "Did you sleep well?" i asked. "I did." he said and smiled. "Great." i said. "I'll be right back." i said and kissed him. He kissed me back. I stood up but he pulled me on top of him. "Logan." i sighed "We've to get ready because you'll meet my parents today, remember?" "Oh right." he said. He let go of me and i peck his cheek and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and i got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top and black chucks. I put my hair up in a bun and did my make up. I walked downstairs and Logan was in the kitchen making eggs and bacon. He was already dressed so i guess that he used the other bathroom. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Babe, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." he said. "Alright, i'll call Kendall quick." i said and grabbed my phone. "Ok Baby." he said. I grabbed my phone and called Kendall.

"Hey Bro." i said as Kendall picked up. "(YN) why are you calling? I was sleeping." he said. "Kendall, you know that Mum and Dad will be back today?" i asked. "Fuck. I forgot!" he said. I laughed and he said "Not funny!" "Sorry." i said and i was still laughing a little "I just wanted to call and say that Logan and i will be over in 30 minutes." "Okay Baby Sis. See ya." he said. "Bye." i said and then i hung up.

"Breakfast is ready." Logan said. "Yay." i said and smiled. He laughed and gave me a plate. I sat down at the table and started to eat. Logan sat next to me and started to eat too. A few minutes later we finished to eat and we cleaned the kitchen quick. Logan went upstairs. I don't know what he was doing so i put my boots on and decided to wear my black leather jacket.

"Logan where are you?" i yelled upstairs. "I'll be down in a minute." he yelled back. I was waiting for a few more minutes and then he walked downstairs. "Finally." i said. "Sorry Honey." he said and kissed the top of my head.

We left and 20 minutes later we arrived at my place. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door because i forgot my keys.

A few seconds later the door opened and Kendall was standing there.

"Hey." we said at the same time. I laughed a little and he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back and as we pulled away he looked at Logan.

"Hey Kendall." Logan said and shook his hand. "Hey." Kendall said. "Are they here yet?" i asked. "Yes they are." Kendall said. We walked inside and i saw my Parents sitting on the couch.

"Mum! Dad!" i said. They stood up and both of them hugged me. "I missed you both so much." i said. "We missed you too." my Dad said. "I want you guys to meet someone." i said and grabbed Logans hand.

"Mum, Dad. This is Logan, my boyfriend." i said. "Nice to meet you, Logan." Mum said and shook his hand. My dad shook his hand too. "How did you two meet?" Mum asked. "Oh...uhm...Logan's my-my teacher." i said.

They both looked at me a little shocked. "I-i know that-" i started to say but my Dad cut me off "Love, it's alright as long as you're happy and as long as he doesn't hurt you."

"I wont hurt her, Sir. I promise."Logan said. "Good." Dad said.

Kendall, my parents and Logan sat down on the couch. I sat on Logans Lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So, the surprise?" i asked. "Right." my Dad said. My parents stood in front of us and i need to say that i'm really excidet because of the surprise.

(In the story Kendalls & your parents are like 40 years old)

"So,..." my Dad started. "Go on." i said. "You and Kendall." Dad said. "What's with us?" i asked. "You both are going to have a little brother or sister." Mum and Dad said at the same time.
"WHAT?!" Kendall and i yelled at the same time.


Hey Guys :)
I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter. Maybe i've time to update later. :*

Much Love, Jenny.♡

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