Chapter 15

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I sat there and looked to the ground. I heard some foot steps behind me. I stood up and started to walk away. The person followed me because i still heard the foot steps. I started to walk fast and i hoped that the person would stop to follow me but the person didn't. Ok, i was starting to get a little scared. I started to run. The person was still following me. Suddenly i felt someone grab my wrist. The person turned me around and i looked in those familiar chocolate brown eyes. 

"(YN), i was so worried." Logan said. I looked at him and asked"Why did you follow me?" "Because i didn't want that you're alone outside when it's dark." he said. "Oh come on, you're not my dad." i said. "But i'm your boyfriend and i've the right to be worried about you." he said. 

"Do you love me?" i asked. "Yes, i do! More than everyone else!" he said and grabbed my hands. I smiled a little bit and he asked "Do you love me?" "Of course i do." i said. He smiled and kissed me soft. I kissed him back and he said "Come on let's go back inside it's getting really late." I nodded and we walked back inside of the house. We sat down at the couch and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Would you marry me one day?" Logan asked. "Of course." i said and looked at him. "Really?" he asked. I nodded and he started to smile a little. "Why did you ask that?" i asked. "Just wanted to know." he said. "Sure about that?" i asked. "Yeah." he said and smirked a little. 

Geez, his smirk.

We watched a movie and as it finished he yawned. "Tired?" i asked and looked at him. "Yeah." he said. "Come on." i said and stood up. I walked upstairs and he followed me. We put our pjs on and we laid down in his bed. 

"Baby girl?" he asked. "What's up?" i asked. "I love you so much and i never want to lose you." he said. "Awww. You're cute." i said and giggled "I love you so much more." "Impossible." Logan said and peck my lips. I rolled my eyes and said "Let's go to sleep." He nodded, kissed my forehead and closed his eyes. I cuddled up to him and snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. I feel so save when i'm with Logan. I closed my eyes and fell asleep quick.

*Next Day*

I woke up and looked at the clock on the nightstand and it was around 9 am. Logan wasn't next to me so i guess that he's downstairs. I stood up and grabbed some clothes. 

I have some clothes at Logans Place because it's not the first time that i spend the night at his place.

I walked in the bathroom and took a quick shower. I walked out of the shower and got dressed into a white blouse, light blue jeans and some black heels. 

I put my hair up in a bun and put make up on. I walked downstairs and Logan was in the kitchen. He was making pancakes.

"Morning." i said and peck his cheek. "Morning Babe." he said "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." "Okay." i said and smiled a little. "You can sit down if you want to." Logan said. I sat down and a few minutes later Logan gave me a plate with pancakes and fruit on it. "Thank you." i said and smiled at him. He winked at me and sat next to me. I started to eat and as i was eating he was looking at me all of the time. "Is everything alright?" i asked. "Yes. You're just so beautiful." he said. I blushed really bad and looked at my plate and said "Thanks." 

We finished to eat and to my surprise he cleaned the kitchen. 

I was sitting on the couch in the living room while he was still cleaning the kitchen. My phone started to buzz and i grabbed it and saw that my Dad was calling. 

I answered the call and i said "Hey Daddy." "Hey Honey." Dad said. "What's up?" i asked. "Sweetie, you know that me and your mum have been on a business trip, right?" he asked.

My mum and my dad are on business trips really often so i'm really happy when they're home.

"Yes." i said. "We will come back tomorrow." he said. "That's awesome." i said. 

I think that it would be a good idea if Logan would meet my parents because i already met his. 

"So, Dad. Would it be alright if my boyfriend would be there too?" i asked. "Boyfriend?" my dad said a little shocked. "Yeah." i said.

My Dad can be over protective sometimes. 

"Dad, don't worry. He's awesome." i said. "Okay, i will trust you." he said. "So, when will you two come back tomorrow?" i asked. "In the morning." he said. "Ok, can you wait a minute dad. I want to talk to my boyfriends really quick." i said. "I'll wait baby girl." he said. I laid the phone on the table and i stood up and walked in the kitchen where Logan was washing the dishes. "Babe?" i said. "Yes?" he asked. "So, my parents will be back tomorrow and i told my dad that we will be over. So is it okay for you if i spend the night here again?" i asked. "Y-yes, sure." he said. I peck his cheek and walked back to my phone. "Dad, i'm back." i said as i picked up the phone. "Sweetie we have a surprise for you tomorrow." Dad said. "Great." i said. "Love, i need to go. I'll see you tomorrow." he said. "Okay Daddy. Love you." i said. "I love you too." he said. I hung up and laid my phone back on the coffee table. 

I turned on the tv and as i was watching tv for like 20 minutes Logan sat next to me and grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands and smiled.

"Would you like to go our for dinner tonight?" Logan asked. "Sure." i said. Logan smiled wide and kissed me. As we pulled away i said "Can you drive me to my place really quick so i can pick up some clothes?" i asked. "Of course." he said. 

An hour later we were back at his place again. As i made myself a little snack Logan suddenly stood behind me and whispered in my ear "Would you like to go swimming?" I jumped a little and i said "Sure." He laughed and said "I'll be at the pool." He walked upstairs and i ate really quick. As i walked out of the kitchen i saw that Logan was already outside. I walked upstairs and put on a black bikini. I grabbed a towel and walked outside. "Hey Babe. You look amazing." Logan said and smirked as he looked at me. "Thank you." i said and smiled. 

Logan was already in the water and i joined him. Logan wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me soft. As we pulled away i smiled at him. "You're cute." he said and i blushed. I looked up at him and i saw that he was smiling. His dimples were showing. 

I smiled really wide. 

His dimples are so adorable. We were in the water longer and we got out of the water and we laid down on a big lounger. He wrapped his arms around me and i smiled. I felt save again. 

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I'm sorry that you guys had to wait so long. Anyways, i hope you enjoy it. I hope that i have time to update tomorrow. :)

Much Love, Jenny.♥

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