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   Lucy walked to the guild, her black scarf flowing behind her in the autumn wind. It was the day after a mission with Team Natsu, and she was in pain. She had a huge scar across her leg. Once she reached the guild, she sat in a booth away from everyone.
   Lucy pulled down her jeans a bit to see the fresh scar from just below her underwear to her knee. "You okay?" A gruff voice broke her thoughts. "Laxus!" She smile and jumped up to hug him. "Hey Blondie." Laxus laughed. "Lucy." She giggled. "I missed you." She continued. "You were only gone two days." He retorted. "Still." She pouted.
   "Back to what I said earlier, You okay?" Laxus asked. "Yeah, in pain, but fine." Lucy glanced at her scar. "Sit, I'll get a first aid kit." He said as he walked off. She smiled to herself and sat back down.
   Laxus came back a few minutes later, a small white box in hand. He pulled out a wipe with and put a bit of rubbing alcohol on it. He dabbed the wipe on the scar, cleaning it the best he can. Lucy winced at the touch. "Hold still." He mumbled. "Trying." She whispered. As soon as it was clean, he wrapped a bandage around her leg.
   "Thanks." Lucy smiled. "Consider it repaying you." Laxus laughed. "Oi! Don't leave me!" She protested. "Would't dream of it, Blondie." He winked. She giggled. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek.
   Natsu ran over to Lucy. "Another mission?" He smiled. "Sure." She smiled. Natsu ran to the mission board to find another one. Laxus walked up to him. "Oi, Salamander, I'm comin' with ya." He stated. "For Luce's sake?" Natsu asked, a little hatred in his voice. "Yeah. I don't want her hurt." He grunted. The pink haired male nodded, and walked to Mira with a mission.
   "I'm coming with you." Laxus stated as he walked to Lucy. "Really?!" Lucy's eyes glimmered. He nodded. "Yay!" She giggled and hugged him. "Come on, Luce! Let's go to the train station!" Natsu yelled from another table. "Coming!" She called back and walked over, Laxus closely following.
   The group of six, eight counting Happy and Carla, left the guild and got on the next train to Kera. Natsu and Laxus immediately grew sick, Natsu groaning more than the blonde. "Shut it!" The red head yelled. "Can't....help....it...." Natsu groaned out. With a recognizable groan, Erza smashed Natsu's head, immediately knocking him out.
   "Lay your head on my lap." Lucy said, removing the book from her lap (as it was a 6 hour trip). "Your scar." Laxus grunted. "Head. Lap. Now." She stated. Laxus mumbled something and laid his head in her lap. She began to run her fingers through his somewhat tangled blonde locks, which kept the train quiet for a few hours, then it happened.

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