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   Lucy walked into her apartment the following days and began to put her things into boxes. She didn't have much besides her clothes, and other small personal belongings. The blonde finished packing within a few hours, and took them to her new home after dropping the key to her apartment off.
   Laxus came up behind Lucy as she put her clothes away, and wrapped his arms around her small frame. "Hello Laxus." She smiled. "Are you almost done?" He grunted. "Possibly. Why?" She turned around to the best of her ability. He roughly placed his lips on hers, and walked them back towards the bed.
   The blonde smiled up at Laxus, and began to unbutton his shirt. Laxus growled and began to take her clothes off.
~•~ Time skip because I don't want to torture you with my bad smut writing, nor do I feel like writing it~•~
   Lucy laid awake on the bed, tracing small circles into Laxus's chest, and staring at his peaceful expression. "Luuucy!~" A familiar male voice traveled to her ears. She shuffled out of bed, and threw on her underwear, and Laxus's shirt. "Natsu!" The blonde called out the front door as the pink haired male came into view.
   "Luce!" Natsu ran towards her, shaking snow off his head when he came inside. "What do you need?" Lucy asked. "I was thinking we could go on a mission." He smiled. "In this weather? No way." She shook her head. "But Luuuuuuce." He whined. "Are the trains even working?" She sighed. "Yup!" The pink haired male chuckled.
   "Fine. What's the mission?" Lucy gave in. "Take out three criminals in Oak Town." Natsu explained. "Shouldn't take long, but I'll pack another bag just in case. I'll wake up Laxus and tell him. Want a cup of hot chocolate while you wait?" She asked. "Sure." He shrugged. The blonde searched through the cabinets until she found the mugs and hot chocolate. She made two cups, and handed Natsu one.
   "Baaaby~" Lucy cooed as she shook Laxus lightly. He groaned and looked at her. "Hm?" She smiled. "Here, I made you a cup of hot chocolate." She smiled as handed the mug to him. "Natsu wants me to go on a mission with me." She continued, and walked towards the dresser. "I'm coming." He said as he stood up, sliding on his boxers. "Go talk to Natsu. I'll pack your stuff just in case." She said.
   Laxus walked out into the kitchen to see Natsu sitting at the bar, sipping his hot chocolate. "I'm coming." Laxus demanded. "Okay, okay. Dragon Slayers can't leave their mates during the season. I understand." Natsu smiled and winked. "Then I assume ice prick is coming too, then?" The blonde chuckled. The pink haired male blushed and nodded. Laxus laughed and walked back up to the bedroom.
   "Flame Idiot said I can." Laxus said and he grabbed a pair of pants. "I'm not complaining." Lucy laughed as she folded one of Laxus's shirts and placed it in the suitcase. After she finished packing, Lucy changed into black jeans, black ankle-high boots, a maroon long sleeve shirt, a black scarf, and her jacket similar to her boyfriend's. Laxus simply wore his usual outfit.
   "We're ready, Natsu." Lucy said as they walked down the stairs. "Alright!~" Natsu smiled and stood up, then rushed out the door. "He's excited." Lucy laughed as she grabbed Laxus's hand, and they left for the train station.

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