Fred x female!reader

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"Nope," (y/n) muttered to herself one cold, wet, November morning as she scribbled out yet another terrible idea.

She sighed exasperatedly and let her head fall to the table with an almighty bang. How they thought she'd be a helpful addition to their business she'd never know.

"Everything all right in there?" a familiar voice asked from behind her.

"Yeah," (y/n) sighed, turning to look at Fred who was leaning against the doorframe, a cup of tea in hand.

"So I can have this cuppa myself?" Fred teased.

"No, I'd prefer if I had it," (y/n) smiled innocently.

"Shame," Fred said, bringing the cup to (y/n) and placing it in front of her. "That's a lot of scribbles," he observed, sitting on the desk.

"I just can't think of anything," (y/n) explained, taking a sip of the well-made tea. "What made you think I was of any help to you whatsoever?"

"You were the mastermind of the Extendable Ears! Why wouldn't we take you on?" Fred told her.

"Jordan's more of a help than I am."

"Well Lee has a completely different role to you," Fred started, "and if we didn't have you, me and that one in there coming up with ideas then he wouldn't have a job to get the supplies, would he?"

"Fair enough," (y/n) muttered.

"Anyway, that's not why I came in here," Fred announced.

"Isn't it?"

"No. I just got an invite asking me to Bill and Fleur's wedding and I was wondering if you'd be my plus one sort-of-thing. I mean, George is taking Angelina so why not?" Fred asked confidently.

"I'd love to!" (y/n) beamed. Fred's face lit up. "But I've already had my invite so you better go find a better plus one."

"How'd you get an invite?"

"I became good friends with Fleur when she was down here for that Triwizard tournament. Then again, you probably wouldn't have noticed seeing as you were so busy with those other Beauxbatons girls."

"Do I detect a bit of jealousy?" Fred asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I also think you didn't notice I was going out with Oliver Wood at that time," (y/n) answered.

"Oh - yeah - him," Fred stammered.

"Do I detect some jealousy there?" (y/n) grinned.

"Me? Jealous? Pfft, you're having a laugh," Fred told her.

"If you say so," (y/n) sing-songed, picking up her quill and going back to brainstorming ideas.

A silence filed the room with the exception of the scratching of quill to parchment and the clatter and smash from outside the room, followed by a few choice words from George.

"Okay, fine! I was slightly jealous," Fred nearly shouted.

"Really?" (y/n) asked, astonished by this revelation - she was only joking, after all.

"Yeah, I only asked Angelina to show Ron how to ask a girl out and I didn't expect her to say yes," Fred explained, a desperate tone filling his voice as if this confession had been bottled up for years. "I was actually going to ask you."

"And then you found out I was going with Oliver and that's why you didn't speak to me for days on end."


"And then Oliver dumped me with his crappy excuse of 'I need to concentrate on my quidditch responsibilities' two weeks later and you finally decided to speak to me."


"And whenever I went anywhere near any other boy you told them to back off because you still had a thing for me."


"And you still fancy me now, that's why you asked me to go to Fleur's wedding with you."


Fred clapped his hands over his mouth and blushed instantly.

"Don't worry," (y/n) laughed, her (y/e/c) eyes searching his freckled face, "the feeling's mutual."

"Seriously?" Fred asked, a bit too excitedly.


Fred pulled (y/n) from her seat and wrapped her arms around his neck for her. He then placed his arms around her waist and slowly leant down for a kiss. He eventually brought his hands up to her head, losing them in her (y/h/c) locks.

"Any more ide- woah there!" George exclaimed after bursting into the room, quickly covering his eyes and leaving. "We're opening soon, y'know! Wrap things up!"

The two pulled apart for some air and rested the foreheads against each other.

"Still up for coming to the wedding with me?" Fred asked, breathing heavily.

"Sure, why not?"


Words: 748
Published: 20th Nov. 2016

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