Draco x reader

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"Hey, (y/n)!" two voices called from down the corridor.

All I wanted to do was take a last trip to the library before the Christmas holidays.

"Not now," I sighed, carrying on down the corridor, walking away.

"Come on, (y/n)!" Fred Weasley shouted.

"We just want a chat!" George furthered.

"Not today, thank you!" I shouted.


I heard a ripping sound and felt the weight on my shoulder from my bag lighten. They'd torn my bag, the sneaky gits. It was probably Fred that cast the spell - he was the more rowdy of the two anyway.

"What was the point in that exactly?" I asked as I spun around and gave them the biggest glare I could muster.

"We want to have a chat," George said once they were stood next to me.

"Not until you fix my bag," I told them, looking at the floor to see my split rucksack and its spilled contents.

"Not until you tell us why you're fraternising with the enemy," Fred challenged.

"Just fix my bag!"

"Not until -"

"Weasleys!" a voice shouted as footsteps could be heard rounding the corner.

"Malfoy," the twins growled.

Always had to ruin my moment, that guy. Good-looking? Yes. Kind? Could be at times. Lets me defend myself? No.

"I'd advice you to fix (y/l/n)'s bag before I take points off Gryffindor."

"It was -"

"I'm the Prefect around here, now do as I say before Umbridge gets involved," Malfoy ordered.

I folded my arms and looked at Fred and George with a raised eyebrow.

"Reparo," George sighed finally. "See you on the train later!"

They walked down the corridor and turned the corner.

"What was all that about?" Malfoy asked.

"They wanted to speak to me but you interrupted," I told him.

"I was only helping," he defended himself.

"I can help myself, Malfoy."

"Obviously. Especially when you were having your scrap with Pansy in Charms," he said with his signature smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"She insulted my family, so I started it myself."

"Shouldn't start things that you can't handle, (y/l/n)."

"I was about to beat up that foul, pug-faced bi-"

"Until I came swooping in to save the day," Malfoy smirked again, although this time it seemed more endearing. "I do like to act the hero sometimes, I'm just not given the chance."

"I gave you the chance in Potions though," I reminded him.

"Only takes one act of heroism for me to prove my worth is it?"

Basically, what happened was when we we were in Potions the other day, Snape told us to make some potion and I couldn't read the instructions in my book because there was some grime over it. So, I put an ingredient in at the wrong time. Story goes, the potion threw itself onto the table and started walking around the classroom like those Muggle slinkies. Just as Snape was about to scold me, Malfoy told him that he'd spilt some of his potion onto my page so I couldn't read it properly. In the end, no one was told off.

Come to think about it, Malfoy'd been doing things like that for a while now ...

Not to get my hopes up or anything.

If he did like me - well - he is aesthetically pleasing. And polite. At times.


"You don't need to prove your worth to anyone, Draco," I told him.

"So I'm Draco now am I, (y/n)?" he grinned.

"People who I like get called by their preferred name."

"So you like me?" he asked, a wee bit of hope in his eyes. There I go, getting my hopes up again.

"Well," I started, "like is a bit of a weak word for what I'm feeling."

"I could say the same thing, in all honesty," Malfoy replied. He stepped forwards and took both of my hands in his. "And I figured that the person who falls in love with the heroes in books would fall for one in real life."

"Explains a lot," I said.

"So, uh, would you like to, uh, go out some time?" he asked nervously, uncharacteristic for a Malfoy.

"Why not?" I replied. Instantly, he beamed and still holding my hands, leant forward and kissed me on the lips quickly.

"Well, I better go and pack," he said, walking away. "See you soon, (y/l/n)! Love you lots!"

"See ya, Malfoy!"


So this one was requested by @Fang_Malfoy - I hope you liked it and that it's similar to what you had in mind!

Words: 740
Published: 23rd Dec. 2016

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