Neville x reader

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"I give up!" (y/n) cried as she collapsed on to the pile of essays in front of her. She should have put a maximum length of parchment on the sixth-years' History of Magic essay. Or set homework focused on one topic of the second wizarding war. After all, there was a lot to write about - the history of Tom Marvolo Riddle, the seven Horcruxes, Harry Potter and the Golden Trio, the Order of the Phoenix, the Weasley family, etcetera, etcetera. 

"I'll come back later then," a voice said at the door.

"No, it's fine, Professor L- I mean, Neville."

"Honestly, it was only something stupid anyway," Neville said sheepishly, blushing deeply.

"I doubt it," (y/n) told him.

"Well, the thing is, I - uh - I -"

"Here I am, Professor (y/l/n)! I said I had it somewhere!" a boy exclaimed as he ran into the classroom.

"Fred Weasley, will you ever give in a piece homework on time?" (y/n) sighed with a smile.

"I'm living up to my name's sake, Professor," Fred grinned.

"I guess you are," (y/n) shrugged. "No house points deducted. Now, off you go."

"Thanks, Professor - you're the best!"

The two teachers watched the sixth-year run out of the room, obviously to meet up with his friends as there was an instant chatter as soon as he left.

"Have a soft spot for the Weasleys?" Neville asked.

"Who wouldn't?" (y/n) replied. "Roxy should be coming in now - she has a goblin rebellion essay for me."

"Merlin, I hated that topic," Neville sighed.

"So do I, but it's compulsory."

"Ah well."

"And you came in here because ..?" (y/n) prompted.

"Oh, right," Neville said, suddenly more awake. "I was just wondering if you'd liketogotoHogsmeadewithmeonasortofdatething?"

"Sorry?" (y/n) asked with a raised eyebrow.

Neville breathed deeply and said again, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

"Certainly," (y/n) grinned. She tried to keep her cool but inside she was squealing. Instead, she stood up and closed the door to her classroom. Almost immediately after she did this, however, it seemed as though her inner screaming was bouncing around the corridors. (y/n) opened the door again and was met with one of her third-years.

"Dad owes me six Sickles!" the girl exclaimed. "I knew you were perfect for each other and Dad said otherwise! Oh, and here's my essay, Professor."

"Thank you, Roxanne," (y/n) said slowly, taking the roll of parchment.

"Well, I'll be off, Professors. I need to write to Dad and let him know of his failure in betting," Roxanne smiled before skipping out of the room.

"I think Angelina's let George have a bit too much of an influence on their children," Neville stated as (y/n) closed the door behind Roxanne.

"The Weasleys have an influence on everyone," (y/n) laughed lightly, leaning against the wall by the door.

"Well, I'm going to go and tidy up after my Mandrake re-potting class," Neville said, opening the door again.

"Have fun," (y/n) answered. "So, Saturday, yeah?"

"Saturday," Neville repeated. He went to walk out the room but retreated. "Do you mind if I ..?" He trailed off and tapped his cheek.

"There's no need to ask."

Neville leant forward and gave (y/n) a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room for the Herbology greenhouses.

"See you soon, (y/l/n)!"

"See ya, Longbottom!"


Short and sweet because I can

Words: 576
Published: 17th Jan. 2017

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