Note 💚

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Right so basically this thing will be deleted soon but it's just something to say that I'm incredibly sorry for not updating for over two months but two days after I published the last one shot, I had my first exam (Welsh ugh) and I have had at least two exams a week since then. A week today is my final exam and I then have a three-month long school summer holiday (which will be the longest holiday I have until I retire and I can't fucking wait for that).

My point is that after my maths exam next week I should be updating a lot more frequently in between working (because the British government are like "woo hoo you're sixteen now you have to get a job and decode what course in life you're going to take! And we'll also make it law for you to live on you're own and start you're own family! But you can't vote yet coz y'all are too young and irresponsible!" And I'm like???????).

So yeah go back and read through if you've forgotten what's happened because I take so long and I'll see you again soon!

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