George x Ravenclaw!reader

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(y/n) was quite happily eating her breakfast and reading over the (favourite subject) textbook for the seventh time since the term began after the Christmas holidays (it was only February, by the way).

In her own little world, she turned the page, ran a hand through her (y/h/c) locks, fiddled with her prefect badge, and took a bite of her food. That was until the two annoyances sat before her.

"What?" she asked shortly without looking up. The bright orange fuzz in the corner of her eyesight was enough to give away who it was anyway.

"Aww come on, (y/n)! It was nothing," she heard Fred whine.

She looked up and gave him a raise of her eyebrow.

"At least I took the blame and got you out of detention, eh?" George smiled. "That and I - I mean we - have a bit of detective work for you."

People often asked (y/n) why she preferred George out of the two twins. The fact that he, unlike Fred, cared about her clean record and he, again, unlike Fred, knew that she loved a bit of mystery solving obviously didn't give everyone enough of a hint as to why George was her preferred twin.

That and she may or may not have fancied him since the first time she masterminded one of their pranks in second year.

At the mention of the detective work, (y/n) smiled warmly.

"Told you it'd work on her," George said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You'd know all about how to get on her good side, wouldn't you?"

"Whatcha want then?" (y/n) asked excitedly, closing her book and pushing away her breakfast plate.

"So, we were in -"

"Let's take this somewhere else in case someone hears," George interrupted.

"The courtyard it is," (y/n) announced, grabbing her book and leaving the Great Hall with the boys close behind her.

They sat at the foot of (y/n)'s favourite tree. She wasn't a tree hugger or anything, it just had the perfect shade and shelter and the ground was hardly ever wet.

"So basically," George began as he pulled a large piece of parchment out of his pocket and looking at (y/n) to make sure that he still had her interest (he did, surprise surprise), "when we had detention with Filch last night -"

"- which we really didn't deserve," Fred added.

"I think you did," (y/n) said. "Filling his office with mud-filled bombs went slightly too far."

"That's besides the point," the twins said in the unison.

George laid the parchment on the ground in front of them as Fred said, "We were sitting in his office while we were waiting for him to go and get McGonagall -"

"- who only told us that we had to clean Filch's office until it was spotless and miss quidditch practice -"

"- which quite frankly is a punishment in itself because Oliver acts like a troll-slash-banshee hybrid when we miss training because of detention."

"Your point is ..?" (y/n) interrupted, eyeing the parchment suspiciously.

"Oh, right," George said distractedly, finally taking his gaze off (y/n). "We found this in Filch's office in the 'Dark Magic' section and were a bit curious as to what it is and -"

"- we don't have a clue," Fred finished.

"Unfortunately for you, we'll have to hit the library," (y/n) told them, standing up and stalking away with the parchment in hand, "'cause I don't have a clue either."


And after two days of spending their free time in the library, and asking multiple professors for permission to take out books from the restricted section, the three of them had gotten nowhere closer as to finding out what was so dark about this piece of parchment.

Currently, they were sitting in the Gryffindor common room, after getting (y/n) in there without any protests from the other Gryffindors. It was still quite early in the evening so almost all of Gryffindor were sitting in the cozy room, but Fred, George and (y/n) had managed to nab the corner by the fire.

"Why didn't I think of that?" (y/n) asked herself in a sudden outburst.

"What?" George and Fred asked her.

"Aparecium," she said queitly so no one around them would hear, after pointing her wand at the folded parchment.

The three students' eyes lit up in a mixture of feelings - glee that something had finally happened, shock that something could happen with that much ease, and confusion about what was revealed.

"Mr Moony presents his compliments to Ms (y/l/n) and begs her to pay attention to what we say next," (y/n) read aloud in a whisper.

The words flew around the page as they changed to form another sentence.

"Mr Prongs agrees with Mr Moony and would like to add that for the secrets of this parchment to be revealed, you must utter the words 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'," George continued.

Again, the sentence changed, and Fred read, "Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that neither of the above Messrs have mentioned that this isn't just a piece of parchment but is, as a matter of fact, a very special map of Hogwarts."

Together, they read the final sentence.

"Mr Wormtail would like to bid Ms (y/l/n) good day and advises her to utter the words 'mischief managed' to keep the map hidden from prying eyes."

The three watched the words disappear from the page and stared after them in silence. Then, (y/n) slowly pointed her wand at the map and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The map, like before, revealed words in scarlet lettering which read:

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
are proud to present
the Marauders' Map

Fred unfolded the parchment to reveal a detailed map of the school and it soon became apparent that it was alive. It showed both the moving staircases and people in the castle, mimicking their every direction.

"Mischief managed," (y/n) said before watching the ink disappear into the page.

"You're an actual genius!" George exclaimed as he rose from his seat, picked (y/n) up, spun her around, placed her down, and kissed her.

And the whole room stared.

"That's a wrap ladies and gentlemen!" Fred interrupted with a clap of his hands and pushing George and (y/n) - who were still kissing and had their hands tangled in each other's hair - up the staircase to the boys' dorm. "The show must continue backstage!"


Don't forget to request guys!

(And I know they found the map in their first year and gave it to Harry in their fifth but for the sake of fanfiction this is how it is)

Words: 1101
Published: 29th Nov. 2016

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