Hermione x reader

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"Ronald Weasley, I am absolutely fed up of you and your idiotic behaviour!" Hermione screeched in the middle of the courtyard.

"Hermione, I -"

"Just because you were too much of a coward to ask me to the Yule Ball before someone else did does not mean that you can make snide remarks about everything I say or do!" Hermione continued. "I've had enough of you and your childish attitude, so don't speak to me until you've bucked your ideas up a bit!"

"Hermione, wait," Ron pleaded as Hermione stormed away in the direction of the Black Lake, leaving a regretful Ron and a dumbfounded Harry.

(y/n) (y/l/n) saw the drama unfold. He/she had been reading over his/her Transfiguration essay with their (your house) best friend.

"I'll be back in a minute," they said, placing their books down next to (y/f/n). "Hermione!"

(y/n) ran past the groups of students and through the grounds, his/her (y/h) cloak billowing in the wind behind them.

"All right, Mr/Miss (y/l/n)?" Hagrid called from outside his hut.

"Spectacular, Hagrid, but I'm in a bit of a rush!" (y/n) shouted back. He/she didn't look over his/her shoulder to see Hagrid's confused expression as he/se didn't want to lose sight of where Hermione was going.

Finally, Hermione seemed to stop at the edge of the Black Lake, kneeling with her head in her hands.

"You all right?" (y/n) asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Hermione sniffed, lifting her head up and wiping her eyes. "Ron is just so frustrating."

"All the Weasley boys are," (y/n) agreed. "The other day, the twins tried -"

"Mrs Weasley hates me as well," Hermione sighed.

"Why? Who'd hate you? Apart from Malfoy but he's a git."

"Remember that article Rita Skeeter wrote about me trying to get with Harry and then Krum?"

"Oh, that."

"Well, Mrs Weasley seems to believe what that awful woman writes and also seems to believe that I'm somehow going to end up marrying Ron."

"And wasn't very happy about it," (y/n) added.

"No, she wasn't," Hermione said. "I just don't know anymore, (y/n)."

"You'll be fine, you've got me if you need it."

"Thank you," Hermione said weakly, but looked up at (y/n) and gave a smile.

(y/n) sat down next to Hermione on the grass and the latter lay her head on the former's shoulder.

"Can I tell you something?" (y/n) asked.

"Go for it," Hermione encouraged.

"I really like you, 'Mione," (y/n) started. "I don't know whether it's in a friendly way or sibling-like way or something more, but I really like you."

"Well then," Hermione said confidently taking (y/n)'s hand in hers, "let's just see where the road goes and if we don't like the destination, we can always go back and change the path we took."


This was requested forever and a month ago by @Fang_Malfoy - hope it's orite!

I'm sooooo sorry it took so long to update but I have a few ideas up my sleeve and would love if you requested some

Words: 488
Published: 15th Jan. 2017

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