Oliver x Gryffindor!reader

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It was quite late that November evening and (y/n) was sitting in the Gryffindor common room finishing her Charms homework for Professor Flitwick. She shared the room with none other than Oliver Wood, and unfortunately for he, he was too much of a distraction for her to complete her essay. Not that it was because it was Oliver, but more because of the way he was polishing his Quidditch broom.


"You should treat that broom with some respect, Wood," she told him after watching for quite some time.

"Sorry?" he asked.

"You're doing it all wrong," she said, standing up and sitting next to him on the sofa. "You need to go from the tip of the handle to the end of the broom in one line, that way it's more streamline."

"Why should I believe you?"

"I'm the daughter of a broom maker, I think I know what I'm talking about."

"I never knew that," Oliver marvelled, stopping the polishing of his broom.

"Yeah, we used to teach Charlie how to look after them properly and how to make them go faster by maintaining the properly," (y/n) explained.

"Y'know, Charlie could've played for England if he didn't -"

"- run off to Romania to chase dragons," (y/n) finished for him. "I know, I told him that but he wouldn't listen." She sighed. "He could've brought in quite a bit of money to their house but no, my stupid cousin had to do that."

"I forget that you're related to the twins," Oliver said.

"I'm the mastermind to half their pranks, how could anyone forget?" (y/n) laughed. "They're amazing though, they actually let me play quidditch."

"How so?"

"Whenever I go over their's in the summer, we always play six of us against Ron - Ron's quite a good Keeper," she started. "So, George and Fred are the beaters, Charlie is seeker - Harry replaces him if he's too busy in Romania - and Ginny and Bill are chasers. Percy is too stuck up to play 'that awful game' - though he's quite willing to watch it - so I'm the third chaser. It's quite a bit of fun, actually." (y/n) smiled at the thought of their summers, some of the best times of her life.

"Sounds fun," Oliver stated.

"It'd be even better if I was able to play at school," (y/n) hinted.

"It's a dangerous game," Oliver told like he had many times before.


"What if you get hurt?"

"You don't care if you or your players get hurt, but you do at the thought that I could?" (y/n) asked.

"Well, yeah," Oliver replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

(y/n) gave him a questioning look as she tried not to get her hopes up.

"Look, (y/n)," Oliver said finally. "I don't particularly like it when my little cousin plays in the holidays - because she's only ten and I love her. I don't want you to get hurt because I guess kinda like you." He trailed off towards the end as he lost confidence in his words but either way, (y/n) leaned forward fast and pulled his face to hers
in a forceful kiss.

"I guess I kinda like you too," (y/n) beamed.

"Well, I only kinda like you. You'll need to do a better job of that kissing malarkey if you want me to like you more," the boy grinned.

"Oh, Oliver," (y/n) sighed, but let him pull her onto his lap as they kissed again.


OMG the cheese.
I'll leave now.

Words: 586
Published: 29th Nov. 2016

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