(Young) James Potter x Gryffindor!reader

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You could feel your heart physically break a little each time you saw him with her. The girl who had captured his attention and successfully held it for almost four months.

Among Wormtail, Moony and Padfoot, you were one of James' closest friends. You could read him in an almost eerie way. If something was wrong, you were the first to call him out on it. You cared for him more than you'd like to admit so you surprised yourself when you began to physically deteriorate at James spending most of his time with someone else. You couldn't explain why it hurt you so.

For all of your friendship with James, he had never been more than a best friend. But as the months went on with his attention zoned in on someone other than you, you knew you couldn't last much longer without him.

"All right, (y/n), will you tell me what the bloody hell is wrong?"

You looked up from your book, startled at James' bitter tone. You had been curled up in a chair next to the fire, the Gryffindor common room empty except for you and the Marauders.

Remus, Sirius, and Peter all looked at each other anxiously before filing out of the room quietly, leaving you alone with James.

"What're you talking about, James?" you answered, your heart beating inexplicably fast.

You wiped away the tears that you thought you had been able to conceal beneath your curtain of (y/h/c) hair. With an over dramatic sigh, James turned away from you and answered to the wall.

"You're crying! And it's not the first time. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Your heart doubled its pace, if that was even possible. What was James getting at?

But you knew that he was right. Even though you hated your own behavior, you had been very reserved lately, your energy and wit lacking. When you did speak, it was only a few words at a time. Your depression had been more rapidly increasing against your will.

You so badly wanted to be a good friend and support James in his relationship. That was what you were supposed to do. But something inside you just wouldn't allow you to - couldn't allow you to.

"James I -"

"(y/n), you're scaring me," James cut you off as he turned back around to face you.

There was raw worry in his eyes that stilled your breath. He walked over to you in a rush and sat on the ground in front of your chair. You stared at each other for several seconds before he reached his hand up to pull away the loose hairs that had stuck to your wet cheeks.

More tears pricked at your eyes as he touched you. James sighed as he seemed to choke on his next words. Creases of worry cut all along his usually carefree face. You could feel yourself beginning to formulate your next words.

"There's something wrong, James. But ... it can't be solved. Not without ruining everything you have. A-And everything between us."

When James remained silent, you continued, the words flowing more freely now.

"I'm being so selfish. I should just get over it and move on. I've tried, believe me, James. I've felt awful at the way I feel, but this stupid feeling won't go away. I've never felt it before and I don't know if I like it or hate it. I-I'm just so confused ..."

You trailed off as your words ran dry. You stared holes into the fireplace, your face burning and more tears falling down your face.

Then James' soft hand touched your cheek again, turning your head. Your (y/e/c) eyes met his. He was looking up at you in a way that he never had before.

"It's going to be all right, whatever this is," he said as your tears intensified. "Please, please just stop crying ... I love you."

Your breath caught in shock. James' face held something like shock mixed with realisation and a hint of happiness. His mouth was itching into a smile.

You couldn't believe it. It had to be too good to be true. James had just uttered the words you had been dreaming he would say for the past several months. But the warm feeling that resulted from his soft words was soon replaced with a burning guilt.

"James, what about your girlfriend? You couldn't do that to her ..." you began, your hope beginning to slip.

"Just tell me this. Please, just tell me." James laid his hands on your knees firmly as you began to turn away. "Do you love me too?"

You knew the answer. There was no doubt in that moment that you loved James, and nobody but James.

"Yes." Your whisper was barely audible.

"Then you're the one I should be with. Just you, only you, forever and ever," James said, equally as soft as he helped you to your feet.

All feelings of guilt slipped away as you felt a peace and reassurance flood over you unlike anything you'd ever felt before. Here, in James' arms, was where you were both supposed to be. Without a second thought, you leaned in and kissed James. He instantly returned the kiss, holding your waist and sending butterflies all through your stomach.

"We'll figure this out. We'll find a way. I'll break it off with her - I can see now that you're the one belong with," James murmured softly against your ear as he held you in a tight hug.

As you looked over his shoulder, you could see Sirius and Remus hiding around the corner, the former reaching into his pocket and placing a handful of Sickles into the hand of the very smug-looking latter.


I've run out of things to add on the bottom so I'll just add a little note saying not to forget to request

Words: 962
Published: 21st Feb. 2017

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