Harry Potter x Gryffindor!reader

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You dropped to your knees as you watched Sirius fall backwards through the veiled archway. You could numbly feel tears run down your cheeks as the rest of the world went quiet, your eyes staring at the place where Sirius had been standing only moments ago.

Harry's screams jolted you from your state. You rushed to help Remus keep the screaming boy at bay. Your tears were coming faster as he resisted you and thrashed like an animal.

You cried for his pain and yours. Sirius was not only Harry's godfather, but yours as well. When your parents had been killed alongside Pandora Lovegood at the hands of an experiment that had gone terribly wrong, you were left orphaned and alone.

For years you had lived with the nearest Muggle relatives you had, growing up shunned and unwanted. Looking back, you could say that you saw no hope for your future. Then that special little letter came along one summer day and changed your life completely.

You met Harry and became the best of friends almost immediately, sharing such painful and similar pasts.

Now, watching your beloved godfather float into oblivion and Harry cry like you had never seen him cry before, you could practically feel your heart being wrenched inside of you.

A low cackle made you turn your head and you saw the fleeting image of Bellatrix Lestrange as she slipped out of the chamber, an evil grin on her sallow face.

Harry had seen the witch leave as well and didn't waste a moment in running madly after her.

"Harry! Stop! Harry, come back!" you screamed as you followed him. You couldn't let him get killed either.

Through the winding halls of the Ministry of Magic you ran until the three of you reached the structure's main entryway. Bellatrix had fallen with Harry standing over her when you caught up to them.

Harry's chest heaved and his eyes were alight with hatred. But Bellatrix was laughing as she looked up at him, smiling joyfully at the pain she had caused him in killing Sirius.

Suddenly an unearthly chill was sent racing down your spine all the way to your toes. You hugged your arms and tried not to scream as Lord Voldemort appeared out of thin air behind Harry, hissing in Parseltongue in his ear.

Neville, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix came up behind you, breathless and quiet as they watched the sight before them unfold. You fainted before you could see Dumbledore arrive, or Harry exorcise Voldemort from his body, your own weak and overwhelmed by shock and devastation.


Several days had gone by since the events at the Department of Mysteries. Your grief had lessened enough for you to eat more and sleep better, though your dreams still consisted of random images from the awful night.

You could tell that Harry was going through a similar time, even though he hadn't spoken more than a few words to you. You knew his grief was deeper than yours and that it would take much longer for him to recover but you missed his voice. You missed his smile. You so badly wanted to comfort him, have him talk to you, cry with you, and be there for you too.

For days you tried to muster up the courage to confront Harry about your feelings, but every time you had the chance, your fear of rejection won. You didn't think you could handle it if your best friend pushed you away at a time like this.

One day you had had enough of the silence between the two of you. The Gryffindor common room was empty except for one depressed boy sitting by the fire. His green eyes stared right through the flickering flames. His face held no emotion.

At the door you readied yourself, steeling your own feelings and trying to be strong. For Harry.

Harry hardly looked up as you came over to where he sat.

"May I sit with you?" you asked quietly when Harry didn't say anything.

A simple nod was all you received, but you accepted it gratefully. You folded your legs under your skirt as you sat near Harry, staring at the flames and trying to figure out what to say.

Awkward silence filled the room as neither of you moved to start conversation. It creeped at the corners of your mind until you didn't think you could stand it for another moment more.

"Harry," you whispered, still looking into the fireplace. You felt Harry shift beside you. "Harry, I know we haven't talked in almost a week, and I know it's because we're both grieving over -" You couldn't bring yourself to say his name, nearly choking up with emotion, "- over Sirius, but I can't be alone anymore. I can't get through this alone. And you can't either."

You looked up from the fire and faced Harry to see him already looking at you. His eyes were wide and he seemed to be trying to hold back tears.

"Harry, I'm here for you ... if you'll be here for me too."

You voice wavered and you trailed off as you finished your sentence, your emotions getting the best of you. You shielded your face from Harry as you felt several fat tears fall from your lashes.

A pair of arms wrapped around yours and pulled you close. You leaned against Harry's chest as he held onto your arms, allowing you to cry. You could feel his body shaking beneath yours. You let Harry comfort you for only a few minutes before you sat up and took him in your own arms.

Harry held onto you as sobs wracked his body. You could sense that he hadn't let himself cry since the day of Sirius' death. He was letting it all flow now, all of his pent up sadness melting through his tears. You murmured quiet nothings against his hair as you held him close.

The two of you cried for a long time before you both recovered your breath and were able to speak.

"Harry, I -"

"Don't say anything. I'm the one that needs to speak."

You waited expectantly as Harry stared into your eyes.

"I'm so glad to have a friend like you that will be there for me when I need you. I've never doubted that you would ever turn your back on me, but now you've truly showed me that I can count on you. No matter what."

Before you could process his words fully, Harry's lips were on yours, his kiss soft and gentle. You kissed back, surprised that you were enjoying it.

You'd never viewed Harry romantically before but as the kiss intensified, you realised that that was, in fact, a huge lie.

Half of the reason you had come to Harry tonight was just to see him, hoping that he would hold you.

With your eyes closed, you could almost see the two of you grow up from year to year. You could feel your attraction grow closer, remember all of the little things about Harry that made your heart flutter. All of the backwards glances that had slipped by both of you, all of the thinking about each other. It was now all thrown into the light as you sat next to the warm fire and embraced each other.


Huzzah for Hazza

Words: 1231
Published: 21st Feb. 2017

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