Remus x Tonks AU (becuz I can)

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It had been a while since Remus Lupin had set foot into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Over seven years, to be exact. But here he was, back again on September 2nd 2000 to teach his first class in seven years.

It took a rather large group of people to convince him to come back and teacher - Headmistress McGonagall, Harry, Hermione and Ron, Tonks and his own father were just a few.

He turned when he heard the students' chatter as they walked into the room and there was a scraping of chairs and shuffle of feet that indicated that they were sitting down, waiting for their professor's arrival.

Just as Remus had composed himself and went to turn the handle on the door to greet his class, there was a crackle of flames behind him. He turned to the fireplace and saw, to his pleasant surprise (although he wasn't really surprised) his wife and his two-year-old son.

"Wotcha, Remus!" Tonks grinned, stepping out of the fireplace and wrapping an arm around her husband as the other was wrapped around Teddy.

"You shouldn't be here," Remus said, hugging her quickly but pushing her away soon after.

"Teddy and I were bored, weren't we?" Tonks said. "Besides, his hair kept turning your colour so I assumed it was because he wanted to see you."

Teddy held out his arms for Remus to take him.

"I have a lesson," Remus said.

"We'll watch, then," Tonks said, walking to the door that lead to the classroom.

"Oh, no you won't," Remus said, rushing to the door before Tonks blocking the handle.

"I have a wand and two-year-old who has growing teeth, I'm coming into that classroom whether you like it or not," Tonks said determinedly, raising an eyebrow at her husband.

"You sit on the chair at my desk for the whole lesson, and keep Teddy on your lap," Remus gave in.

"Thanks, love," Tonks smiled, stepping back and letting Remus open the door.

"Good morning, everyone!" he greeted.

There were tired mumbles around the room.

"I hope you don't mind but my wife decided to turn up for some reason so she'll be sitting in the corner at my desk, out of the way as to not distract you," Remus said, looking at Tonks when he said the last part. The woman looked around the room innocently. "Oh, and that's Teddy, my son."

This cued the cooing from the students and the remarks of how cute he was.

"Now, on with the lesson, my lovely third-years," Remus said with a clap of his hands. "I was hoping to do a practical lesson today, only if you take notes as we have a quick five-minute discussion about ... boggarts. Can anyone tell me what a boggart is? Yes, Miss ...?"

"Jones, Sir," the girl replied. "A boggart is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of the viewer's worst fear."

"Wonderful, take five points for Slytherin," Remus said, turning to his chalk board and writing the definition down.

The lesson continued smoothly - unsurprisingly, as Tonks thought. The children took notes and Remus brought in a suitcase and taught his pupils the Riddikulus charm and the necessary wand movement before getting them to line up and face their boggarts. Everyone was successful - no dementors this time, thank Merlin - and he awarded every Ravenclaw and Slytherin ten house points each for working so well.

At the end of the lesson, he gave a recap to the class. Amongst the quiet, there was a stifled giggling and the pupils sitting in the front row started pointing at the floor.

Remus looked down and sighed inwardly when he saw little Teddy crawling across the floor to his dad.

Remus looked at Tonks, leaning against the wall on her chair, who shrugged as if to say she didn't know how Teddy could possibly have gotten to the other side of the classroom.

Remus sighed again and bent down to pick Teddy up, teaching the rest of the class with his son rested on his hip.

After the class was dismissed, Remus dragged the suitcase containing the boggart back into his office, Tonks close behind him.

"You're a rather good teacher, y'know," she said.

"Thank, Godric," Remus replied.

"Mind if I stay? I mean, I learnt more in that lesson than I did in the seven years I was here."

"If you must," Remus said.

"I love you," Tonks smiled.

"I love me, too."

"And Moony makes a reappearance."

"Did he?"

"I've heard the stories you've been telling Teddy."

"Well, there's a lot more to come, I can tell you that now," Remus said, walking back into the classroom.

"I'll hear them later," Tonks said. "Let me go back into my naughty corner."

"For letting the child loose."

"You love me really," Tonks grinned.

"Yes, I do," Remus answered, kissing Tonks quickly. "Now go, I need to let my class in."

"Yes, Sir," Tonks saluted.


I'm not crying

Words: 836
Published: 17th Jan. 2017

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