Fred x reader

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Fred Weasley wasn't one to have his eye on a girl. He liked plenty of them (as friends), yes, but he was never one to try and win them over.

He asked Angelina Johnson to the Yule Ball because they'd become good friends ever since they joined the Quidditch team at the same time and remained close throughout the six years leading up to the Ball.

He teased Hermione Granger because it was easy to do so and because she was friends with little Ronniekins, he'd spent more summers with her than he did with any of his other friends.

He annoyed [y/f/n] because she took it well and was generally a load of fun, something which made their friendship a storm of a relationship ever since they met in their first year.

But by the time they got to their seventh year, there was something about the [your house] girl that made something else trigger a certain emotion in Fred's head.

It all started in the Dumbledore's Army sessions. [y/n] excelled in Defence Against the Dark Arts and often ended up helping both Fred and George with the spells. She was patient with everyone, including the struggling Neville Longbottom and the inexperienced Colin Creevey, and almost always spent the whole of the sessions with the twins and Lee Jordan.

And maybe that was what made Fred fall for her. Ever since they were born, the twins were never given anyone's time - Bill was the first Head Boy, Charlie was the best Quidditch player anyone had seen for a while, Percy was excellent at every subject and got straight Os, Ron was now a Prefect and Ginny was the only girl. Therefore, everyone was all over the Weasley children. Except the pranksters. They didn't have time for their antics. Not even Angelina could stand their mischievous behaviour in Quidditch practices, and Hermione always threatened to write to their mother about their pranking products.

But [y/n] always gave Fred and George her time. She'd do their homework, provide distractions when they were pranking, and messed around when they were bored.

The only person Fred had told about these possible feelings for [y/n] was Ron. Well, it only seemed fair that he told his younger brother after he told him about Hermione. Other than that, he kept the emotions to himself and he knew that one day, they would erupt all over the place.

And that day was after a D.A. session.

(It was actually the night but that was a minor detail).

George had left their box of Canary Creams on the table in the Room of Requirement and after complaining that he wanted to start perfecting the idea of Pygmy Puffs, Fred volunteered to go and get it.

As he walked along the seventh-floor corridor which led to the hidden room, Fred noticed a [tall/short] figure with [y/h/c] hair walking towards him. She was reading a book and was unaware of the fact that Fred was just a few feet in front of her.

So Fred decided to do what Fred would do when he came across [y/n].

He quickened his pace and as he walked past the girl, he whipped the book from her hands and continued walking.

"Oh, Fred! You're so annoying," [y/n] moaned, ending her sentence with a chuckle. "Now give me my book."

"If I must," Fred sighed playfully.  "What're you doing up here anyway?" he asked, strolling back down the corridor.

"The people in my dorm were too loud and there was no room in the common room, so I decided to come to this room to have a read," [y/n] explained. "Why're you here?"

"George left our Canary Creams on the table after the D.A. session."

"Why did you even bring them?"

"We were hoping to try them on people other than the first-years. Never got the chance, though."

"You two are ... I don't know what you two are, actually, because I don't think that there's a word in the English language that can describe you."

"You're too kind, [y/n]," Fred said, handing back the book. "That's quite a nice cover. The Muggles sure can produce some beautiful things."

"Everything the Muggles produce are beautiful," [y/n] remarked. "I mean, they produced me."

"True," Fred stated.

[y/n] cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Smooth, Weasley. Very smooth."

"Like that do you, [y/l/n]?"

"I might," [y/n] shrugged.

The pair gazed at each other for quite some time, [y/n] clutching her book to her chest and Fred had his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

The two looked utterly smitten.

"[y/n], I've been meaning to tell you this for ages but I think I -"

Behind [y/n], a door magically appeared. It caught Fred's eye and stopping his sentence, he glanced at it, causing [y/n] to turn around and face it too.

"You were saying?" [y/n] prompted, turning back to stare and the ginger again.

"I think - well I know, actually ... well I don't know - no, I do - but the thing is ... the thing is that I think - no, I know - that I like you. Well, like is sort of a weak word but -"

The next thing either of them knew, the door to the Room of Requirement was slammed open, Fred was being dragged in by his red and gold tie, [y/n]'s book was discarded on the table next to the box of Canary Creams, and [y/n] was pinned to the wall by Fred before being snogged senseless by the Weasley.

After what seemed like hours of kissing, running hands through hair, loosening ties and throwing jumpers across the room because they were just getting in the way, the pair finally broke apart. With their foreheads resting against each other and panting deeply, they chuckled and looked down at their feet before looking back at each other again.

"How long have you been holding that in for, [y/l/n]?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

There was a pause before they both answered, "Long enough."

"Well, a bit more than long enough actually but -"

"You finished, Weasley?" [y/n] interrupted.

"Not yet," Fred replied.

And he kissed her and she kissed him all over again.

(The book and the Canary Creams lay on the table, completely forgotten about).


A little Fred Weasley one for Little_Pastel_Me   Hope you liked it!

I've also just come back from watching Beauty and the Beast and I would like to say the following things:

1. Emma Watson is actually the most amazing Belle (and it's been six years since I last saw her in the cinema in Deathly Hallows part 2)
2. Dan Stevens and Luke Evans are incredibly hot
3. Ewan McGregor remains to be my absolute favourite (I can't stop singing Be Our Guest and I'm off to watch Moulin Rouge all over again)
4. The cast is the best I've seen in any film/adaptation
5. It is literal perfection

Words: 1070
Published: 18th March 2017

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