Sirius Black x reader

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You couldn't help but smile at the happy couple before you. After many years of teasing and playing hard to get, James and Lily were finally getting married.

The church where the ceremony was being held was breathtaking - perfect for the happy couple. The ceiling was so intricately carved it hurt to look at. Many bouquets of flowers - mainly lilies - surrounded the room, ordered specifically by James. He couldn't resist just one joke.

Your mind wandered from the minister's speech as you thought about the past. It seemed only yesterday that you had boarded the Hogwarts train for the first time. All of the memories of your school days came floating back to you as you stood watching one of the most rambunctious boys you had ever met make the biggest promise of his life.

James slipped the ring over Lily's delicate finger, and Lily did the same for James. Your eyes welled up at the look of pure love in Jame's eyes as you stood in your place as the Maid of Honour behind Lily. You knew that your best friend was in good hands with this man.

While you were overjoyed at Lily's happiness, tears beginning to fall as she kissed her new husband, you couldn't help but long for that same love. You hadn't yet found it.

You felt someone watching you and looked up to see Sirius staring in your direction. As the Best Man he was standing across from you, but he quickly looked down when you made eye contact.

You averted your eyes back to Lily and James and steeled yourself to be happy for them. It was their special day of love. Not yours and Sirius' ...

You couldn't ignore the feelings you had developed for Sirius over all of your years at school. Yes, he was a crazy man at times and not grounded in the slightest, but he attracted you so fiercely, you could overlook all of his flaws and love him anyway.

All of the years you had had to spend labeled as just "one of his friends", all of the years that you had had to watch him date nearly every girl in your year had left you feeling antsy. You didn't want to wait much longer. And Sirius' stare made you think that there could possibly be a chance.

Never before had he acted romantically towards you. Unless you had misread him - he sometimes seemed to be the opposite - treating you like one of the guys. And for a while, that was fine by you. But you were a grown woman now, trained and ready to work in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic.

You certainly weren't one of the guys. You were pulled from your deep thoughts by the applause that echoed through the large hall. You clapped as well and tried to regain your composure. Lily and James ran down the aisle way arm in arm, smiling bigger than you had ever seen.


You swirled your wine while taking in the sights around you at the reception. You thought Lily and James had chosen the perfect place. The reception was held in a large, airy tent in the middle of Godric's Hollow's main courtyard. Fairy lights were strung in the beams overhead, creating a warm glow on the tables and chairs. A large dance floor took up room in the center of the tent, and many people milled about, eating and laughing with one another.

You were sitting alone, preferring to observe the beautiful night from the side. You hadn't stopped smiling since Lily and James sealed their vows. You were unbelievably happy for them.

Still smiling, you turned your head to see Sirius standing not far from you. He was watching the dancers on the floor with his hands in his pockets. You caught his eye and smiled brighter. His eyes grew wide before he took his hands out of his pockets and smiled back. He motioned for you to come over.

You stood as gracefully as possible and smoothed your (y/f/c) bridesmaid dress, hoping there were no stains that you hadn't seen before.

"(y/n), you look ... really beautiful tonight." Sirius' words came out jumbled and he just stared at your dress and (y/h/c) hair.

"Thanks, Sirius. You don't look to shabby either," you said, slightly awkward.

Heat rose up your neck at the attention he was giving you. He was never this nervous around you.

Sirius' gaze finally left the ground and his eyes met yours. His face was more grave than you had ever seen it, and your heart skipped a beat.

"Is something wrong? You look so serious ..."

You both broke off laughing at the unintentional pun. Sirius' laughter calmed you. Surely nothing was wrong?

You lifted his chin when his gaze wandered back to the ground.

"Why are you acting so strangely?"

Sirius took your hand without a word and led you outside. The nippy air chilled your exposed shoulders but you were too curious to think about being cold.

"(y/n). Seeing you so beautiful tonight has made me realise that I've missed out on so much."

You raised your eyebrows, not following, before he continued, "And I want to know if you will take me, even though it's seven years too late?"

He took your other hand and squeezed them gently. You felt your heart trip at the vulnerable look in his eyes. He was risking rejection, one of his worst fears.

You felt tears well up. You knew that Sirius was the one that you had been waiting for. He had been with you all along.

You nodded as tears rolled down your cheeks. You reached you hand to brush them away but Sirius beat you to it. Sniffing, you looked up into his own teary eyes. He smiled softly before his gaze went to your lips.

You leaned in ever so slightly and sighed as your lips made contact. Sirius held you by the waist so tenderly, wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Get some, Padfoot!"

You laughed and blushed as you saw James and Lily standing in the doorway of which you had exited. Lily was beaming at you, a cheeky grin on her face.

Both you and Sirius laughed shyly while James snickered.

"C'mon, Lily, let's leave these two lovebirds to themselves."

As soon as the couple had gone back inside, Sirius rushed up to you and kissed you again, more passionately than before. You let a sigh escape your mouth as he held you in his arms.

"Sorry it's taken this long for me to see what's right in front of me," Sirius whispered, his forehead pressed against yours.

"All that matters is that I have you for the rest of my life."


Just a reminder that I also have a Remus x reader fanfic (with a sequel) that you can have a read of if you have time

(And if you have read it, thanks a load. I just hit 11k reads last night!)

Words: 1136
Published: 21st Feb. 2017

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