Harry x reader

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The Yule Ball. Those three words were going to be the death of you, especially when the question "who are you going with?" was added to the end.

You didn't want to go with anyone. You had been asked by a handful of people of course, from George Weasley to Lavender Brown, but there was only one person you wanted to go with - and that was Viktor Krum.

The Quidditch beau himself had caught a few glimpses of you but word was that he'd already asked someone. What a shame.

Not that you wanted to go anyway or anything, but it would've been nice if he asked you.

"(y/n), help me out," Ron demanded with a sigh as he threw himself on to the sofa in the common room. He was all ready in his dress robes, waiting for Harry probably.

"Yes?" you asked.

"Harry's going with one of the Patil twins and I'm going with the other -"

"You don't know which one?"

"No, but that's not my point," Ron said. He sighed deeply. "I wondered and thought and pondered about who to go with and it was only when Fred and George nudged me to ask Hermione that I realised how much I wanted to go with her."

"So you asked her?" you asked.

"And she said she was already going with someone else."

"Speak to her tonight at the ball and tell her," you encouraged.

"What do I say though?" he asked exasperatedly.

"Just say how much you like her and that you'd love to have a dance with her."

"Right, I'll do that, thanks," he said, standing up when he heard the door to the boys' dorm open. "You coming?"

"Nah, don't feel up to it," you explained.

"See you later then."

"Bye!" you called.

You turned around to pick your potions homework and set to work on it, unintentionally ignoring Harry as he passed through the common room and left with Ron.

Hours passed and ever so slowly, students started to trickle into the common room and up to their dorms.
At around midnight, there was a loud chatter which was soon made clear to be an argument.

"Krum! You went with Krum?" you heard a voice shout.

"He was very polite and asked me as soon as he knew about the ball!" another voice shouted back.

"But I'm your best friend, Hermione! Why didn't you think that maybe I wanted to go with you?" the first voice shouted.

You soon found out that it was Ron and Hermione arguing when they entered the room, both of their faces scarlet with anger, Hermione's once elegant bun falling out.

"Perhaps I realised soon enough that you weren't going to ask me until the very last minute!"

"You were - what? - the second person I asked!"

"And unfortunately for you, you were the third to ask me!"

By now, Harry had walked into the room and you smiled weakly at him. He smiled back, giving you little butterflies in your stomach which sent a warmth through your body.


"You still could've at least danced with me!" Ron screamed.

"Well, if you don't like it, you know what the solution is, don't you?" Hermione yelled.

"Oh yeah?" Ron yelled back. "What's that?"

"Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"

Ron mouthed soundlessly like a goldfish out of water as Hermione turned on her heel and stormed up the girls' staircase to bed.

"Well," he spluttered, looking thunderstruck, "well - that just proves - completely missed the point -"

Harry just shrugged his shoulders.

"You know what? I'm just going to go to bed and hope she understands in the morning."

He left without another word being said.

"Well, that was an experience," Harry sighed as he sat on the sofa next to you.

"Indeed it was," you agreed.

"Why didn't you go tonight then?"

"Didn't feel like it," you shrugged. "And no one of my interest asked me anyway."

"I didn't ask anyone of my interest," Harry said.

"Who is of your interest then?" you ask, a tiny but of hope behind your question.

"No one in particular," Harry said, rubbing his neck.

"There must be someone."

"You," Harry blurted out, but it sounded more like a question.

"Me?" The butterflies had started flapping again.

"I know you don't like me -"

"I do," you interrupted.

"You - you do?"

"Yeah," you nodded.

And all so suddenly, you were kissing each other, his hands ever so slowly making their way up your sides. You lay down on the sofa as Harry lay over you, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and collar bone and returning.

A patter of footsteps could be heard making their way down one of the dorm room steps.

"Am I the only person who's not allowed to enjoy themselves tonight?" Hermione's voice asked.

You and Harry smiled weakly. She smiled back and left the common room.

"Now, where were we?" Harry asked with a smirk as you pulled his lips to yours once more.


I know it's awful but no one's requesting (hint hint) so I'm having to make these up off the top of my head.
Basically, pleeeeeaaaaase request!!!

Words: 847
Published: 19th Dec. 2016

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