Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw!reader

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The Great Hall glistened with many winter decorations. Ice sculptures and twinkling Christmas trees lit up the room and filled everyone with cheer. Especially you. You adored Christmas time and were so far enjoying the Yule Ball. Your (y/f/c) gown was handmade by your mother, who worked at Madam Malkin's Robe Shop. She had been able to whip it up for you and send it to Hogwarts in time for the ball. Your best friend and Gryffindor, Ginny Weasley, had helped you prepare for the frivolous night. Together you had done your (y/h/c) hair up in an elegant half- up-half-down style and got your dresses and makeup on in the girls' toilets, hardly completing your looks in time before the ball was to begin.

Ginny was going with Neville Longbottom, a fourth-year who very shyly asked her. She said yes because, "He's a real gentleman and deserves someone to go with, not to mention that I'll be able to go to the ball now."

You, on the other hand, were going with one of Ginny's older brothers, George. This was because you were desperate to go and only being a third-year, you would've been unable to go unless someone in the older years asked you. George didn't have anyone to go with and so Ginny put two and two together, suggesting that George should take you. The two of you got on well - seeing as you'd spent a lot of your time at the Burrow in the school holidays - and you both went along with the plan. You knew he'd much rather go with Angelina, but she was going with Fred, and you'd much rather go with someone else, but he'd never ask a Ravenclaw in the year below him.

So far, you and George were having a little chat whilst you swayed on the dance floor.

"Enjoying?" he asked as he spun you around.

"Eh, kind of," you shrugged. "You?"

"It's all right," George replied. "Can you see Fred anywhere?"

"Can't say I can. Angelina's sitting on her own though, so perhaps he's gone to the loo."

"Um, do you mind if -?"

"Go for it," you said to him, physically pushing him in the direction that Angelina was sat in. "Have fun!"

"It'll be hard being unable to pull pranks and all!" he shouted back.

You chuckled quietly. Oh, how you loved the Weasleys.

You sat on the sides and watched as everyone danced and talked and laughed. It was quite a beautiful scene compared to the event the ball was being held in correlation to.

"How's my favourite (y/l/n)?" Ginny asked beside you.

"I'm your only (y/l/n)."

"Whatever," Ginny smiled. "Fancy a drink?"

"Nah," you answered. "Any good food over at the tables though?"

"No, not that I saw. I'm not really hungry anyways. I'm going to go and see what Neville's up to, I'll be back in a bit."

Ginny walked dreamily away as you smiled after her.

The current song the orchestra had been playing ended, and a new, faster song filled the room. Couples rushed out into the center of the room, but you stayed put, still satisfied to stay on the sides.

"Not going to dance, (y/l/n)? Did the Weasel twin ditch you?"

You nearly fell into the fountain that you were sitting on the edge of as the sudden voice took you by surprise.

"Draco ... you nearly gave me a heart attack."

Draco merely shrugged, hands in his pockets. He looked out over the dance floor with a bored look on his face. You wondered why he was even talking to you. Didn't he have a date?

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