Harry x Navaeh (No. 2)

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question before we start: if i wrote a hogwarts/harry potter au for voltron, who would read it?


"Morning," George greeted Navaeh as she trudged down the stairs of the Burrow one August morning.

"Morning," Navaeh replied groggily, ending her greeting with a yawn and using the sleeve of her burgundy pyjamas to rub her face.

"Sleep well?" George asked, taking a sip of his tea as he leant against the counter.

"Not really," Navaeh said. "Hermione brought up some coffee for herself, Ginny and I, and we may or may not have been bouncing off the walls until two o'clock this morning."

"Sounds like something Fred and I need to do."

"Does it?"

"Yeah," George grinned dreamily. "Anyway, let's go get some breakfast before Ron decides to eat it all."


The pair sat down at the table where Hermione joined them a few minutes later, and she was followed by a very hungry Harry.

"Morning, Harry, dear," Mrs Weasley smiled as Harry slipped into the empty seat between Navaeh and Ron.

"Morning, Mrs Weasley," Harry replied. Tucking himself under the table, he turned to his girlfriend. "Morning, love."

"Morning, darling," Navaeh chuckled, slightly more lively than she was previously.

"Any plans for today, honey?" Harry asked.

"No, sweetheart," Navaeh giggled lightly.

"Stop," Ron groaned. "Please."

Hermione slapped his arm and scolded him with a, "Leave them alone."

"Sorry, 'Mione," Ron muttered.

"Don't apologise to me."

Ron rolled his eyes and went back to hacking his sausages.

"So Vey," Fred started from a bit further down the table, "fancy testing out some our new pranking stuff."

Just as Navaeh was about to answer with an ecstatic nod of the head and excited "yes", Harry cut in.

"No can do, sorry. I have something planned today."

"You do?" Navaeh asked.

By now, everyone was leaving the table and Mrs Weasley was clearing away the plates with a little help from Ginny and Hermione.

"It's only a little something," Harry explained, rubbing the back his neck. "You don't have to -"

"Harry," Navaeh started, "spending time with you is always wonderful. I'll go and get dressed and I'll meet you back here in a bit."

She ran up the staircase and left Harry loitering at the foot of the stairs pacing back and forth. Navaeh finally reemerged a few minutes later, clad in a pair of Muggle skinny jeans and one of the many jumpers that Harry had given to her (i.e. Navaeh had stolen from him). It was one of Harry's old Quidditch jumpers - burgundy and mustard yellow, which were coincidentally Navaeh's favourite colours - and was slightly too baggy for her.

"Nice jumper," Harry stated, "I wish I had one like that. Oh wait ..."

"Shut it," Navaeh said, slapping his arm lightly like Hermione did to Ron at breakfast.

"Ouch," Harry joked, rubbing his arm.

"Merlin's pants, Harry, don't be such a wuss," Navaeh laughed. "Anyway; this plan of yours."

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