Cedric Diggory x Hufflepuff!reader

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The wind whipped (y/n)'s hair around her face in a refreshing way. The view from the bridge down to the deep ravine was quite eerie, fog obscuring rocks and trees she knew to be scattered around. The past couple of days had been rough and stressful, what with the second task of the Triwizard Tournament just the following day. Now, standing here in the chilly afternoon dusk, (y/n) finally felt a sliver of peace. But as she turned her head to look at the boy next to her, that small sliver faded.

Cedric's face was scrunched up with worry, his grey eyes lacking in their usual luster. His dark hair also whipped around his face and his pale skin revealed his sallow cheeks. The Tournament had really taken a toll on Cedric, and it hurt (y/n) to have to see him in such a way.

"Have you figured it out yet? You realise the task is tomorrow?" (y/n) tried to sound lighthearted even though her heart was thumping anxiously to hear Cedric's answer.

"Yeah, I've got it," Cedric replied. "I think we have to save our most precious treasure from the Black Lake in an hour time limit."

"Merlin," (y/n) breathed. "Are you allowed to -"

"No resurfacing, I'm guessing," Cedric interrupted. "I think I'll try a Bubblehead Charm."

"If not, we could always speak to Professor Sprout about getting you some plants," (y/n) suggested. "I mean, she loves us. We're her two, sixth-year Hufflepuff Prefects after all."

"I could," Cedric pondered. "... nah, I'll just stick with the Bubblehead Charm."

"Sounds like a plan," (y/n) smiled.

"Well, we'd better head back to the common room before we do our duty," Cedric said, slapping his thighs suddenly.

"Yay," (y/n) cheered sarcastically, adjusting the yellow Prefect badge pinned to her chest.

"You should be happy - you get to spend more time with me," Cedric laughed, bumping into her playfully as they walked back to the castle.

"I'm sure Cho would love to hear that," (y/n) teased.

"Oh, not this again," Cedric moaned.

"'I only asked her because Lee Jordan asked you first'," (y/n) mocked. "Yeah, right."

"You think I'm joking."

"Nah, I just like winding you up."

"And to think I've been kind to you since day one."

"You asked the Weasley twins to prank me so I'd help you with your Herbology homework."


"And to think you're in the running for Head Boy."

"And you for Head Girl."

"I'd love that," (y/n) said dreamily. "Two Hufflepuffs as Head Boy and Girl. It'd be a bit of a change, wouldn't it?"

"And we could spend even more time with each other!"

"On second thoughts -"

"Ah, Miss (y/l/n)!" a voice called from behind them.

"Professor McGonagall," (y/n) beamed.

"Could you come with me, my dear?"

"What for exactly?" (y/n) asked, glancing at Cedric apprehensively.

"I'd just like to have a chat with you."

"I was just about to go on Prefect duty with -"

"That's quite all right, Miss (y/l/n). Mr Diggory, I also suggest that you go and get a good night's sleep ahead of tomorrow's task," McGonagall said firmly.

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