George Weasley x Gryffindor!reader

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The class of fifth-years shuffled around the room awkwardly, chatting amongst themselves in quiet murmurs. Professor Lupin hadn't yet arrived to class and it had already been several minutes since Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was scheduled to start.

You stood by one of the walls with your group of Gryffindor girl friends, quite bored. You were spinning your wand around your fingers in a careless fashion and you failed to notice a certain red-headed boy glancing your way. Though trying to be discrete, he wasn't doing a very good job.

George Weasley had had his eye on you for quite some time. The two of you had a bit of a strange relationship, having lived together in the same family all of your lives. The two of you technically weren't related though he had the right to be attracted to you in an appropriate way.

Your parents had been killed by the vicious werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, many years ago on one of their missions as Aurors. You were still a small child when the terrible event occurred and unfortunately, there weren't any close relatives available to take you in.

Luckily, your parents knew Arthur Weasley from their jobs at the Ministry of Magic. As soon as the tragic news reached the ears of the man, he and his wife, Molly Weasley, graciously reached out and took care of you.

You and George were both five years old when you had "joined the Weasley family" so to speak. Growing up was not a smooth ride in the Weasley household. Of course, you were tended to and loved, fed every night and eventually sent to Hogwarts with the rest of the children.

But you had always quarreled with George. The two of you were too competitive for both of your own goods. Many days were spent lurking behind doors, planning pranks to pull on the other. Fred would usually side with his twin, Ginny with you, but Fred would help you out with a plan or two every once in a while.

The intensity of the competition and grudging peaked when you were both ten, a year before you were scheduled to start your years of school at Hogwarts. That summer season was filled with pranks and practical jokes.

The funny thing about all of this was that neither of you knew why you disliked the other. Perhaps it was the constant strife to triumph over the other in smarts and physique. Or perhaps it was the classic "childhood romance" that comes in such strange forms. Usual forms like teasing or hair pulling were, in this case, replaced with pranks.

Soon school arrived and you were both sorted into Gryffindor house. It was to be expected. Where else would two epic pranksters go?

School began to calm the both of you down. Not living in the restricted Burrow and having more people to talk to certainly helped the level of competition decrease.

But it was fourth year when George realized he had been going about everything wrong.

"Fred, what have I done?"

Fred gave his twin a confused look, urging him to explain himself.

Fred followed George's gaze when he remained silent. George had been staring at you from across the common room. You were sitting with your new boyfriend by the fireplace, supposedly studying.

"Aww, Georgie, don't tell me after all of these years you've just now fallen for (y/n)?" Fred said with laughter in his voice.

"I know, I'm a daft arse," George said with a sigh.

"Well," Fred nudged his twin on the shoulder, "she won't dating that guy forever. You've got to take the next chance you get!"

George brightened a bit at the thought. Maybe Fred was right. Maybe you would come around if you could forgive him for all of his pranks that he had pulled on you.

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